Figure 9.
Bottom panel - histogram of all word durations (all 44 words spoken by all 8 talkers in the experiment). Top panel - the temporal relationship between auditory word length, eye movements, and response times averaged for two NH participants in the first trial after a target location transition (across all microphone conditions). In all trials, the printed word onset was synchronous with the auditory word onset (0 ms in this figure). The timing of an auditory word (of average duration) is shown as the dashed blue line, with the offset shown as an asterisk. Note, however, that any given word could end earlier or later within the range shown by the histogram of word durations in the bottom panel. The start of the dashed red and black lines show the initiation of eye movements to a target 30° or 60° away following the visual cue onset (0 ms). The asterisks depict when eye gaze was within 5 degrees of the target look direction. The red and black squares show averaged response times.