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. 2018 Jun 11;11:178. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2018.00178

Table 1.

Biological pathways enriched by DAVID in STIM1 KD hNPCs.

Go term Pathway P -value Fold enrichment Bonferroni Benjamini FDR Genes
GO:0007268 Chemical synaptic transmission 6.96E-05 6.491 0.038 0.019 0.101 NRXN2, KIF5A, NPTX2, GRIK4, DLG4, CHRNA4, PRKCG, CACNB3, CACNA1B
GO:0007158 Neuron cell-cell adhesion 0.003 32.458 0.876 0.407 5.265 NRXN2, NLGN4X, ASTN1
GO:0051899 Membrane depolarization 0.008 20.773 0.993 0.637 12.289 CHRNA4, CACNB3, CACNA1B
GO:0030534 Adult behavior 0.009 19.974 0.995 0.598 13.201 NRXN2, NLGN4X, SHANK1
GO:0007411 Axon guidance 0.013 5.443 0.999 0.656 17.590 KIF5A, NGFR, UNC5C, CHL1, SLIT3
GO:0060997 Dendritic spine morphogenesis #0.066 28.852 1.0 0.950 63.527 DLG4, SHANK1
GO:0007399 Nervous system development #0.082 3.015 1.0 0.933 71.593 IGSF8, CPLX2, DLG4, SPOCK1, ELAVL3
GO:0006364 rRNA processing 1.62E-07 6.130 2.21E-04 2.21E-04 2.66E-04 EMG1, PNO1, EXOSC5, RPS27L, DIEXF, MRTO4, NOP14, EBNA1BP2, PA2G4, DKC1, DHX37, DDX21, PES1, LTV1, WDR43
GO:0008283 Cell proliferation 1.00E-06 4.301 0.001 6.82E-04 0.001 POLR3G, TP53, CD70, MCM10, PRDX1, CDC25A, PLCE1, PA2G4, DKC1, ASCC3, FRAT2, TXNRD1, NRG1, LRP2, PES1, MYC, EMP1, GNL3
GO:0000082 G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle 2.43E-06 8.574 0.003 0.001 0.003 CCNE1, CDC6, CDC45, CDKN1A, RRM2, ID4, CDK6, RCC1, MCM10, CDC25A
GO:0006260 DNA replication 4.01E-04 5.078 0.420 0.127 0.655 EXO1, CDC6, CDC45, POLE3, RRM2, MCM10, C10ORF2, CDC25A, DSCC1
GO:0042771 Intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage by p53 class mediator 4.01E-04 14.106 0.420 0.103 0.656 CDKN1A, AEN, TP53, RPS27L, PHLDA3

Top biological pathways up- and down-regulated in STIM1 KD NPCs vs. control cells. Fisher Exact P -values are shown and GO terms are arranged according to their FDR value (False Discovery Rates). All over-represented pathways had a fold change > 2. Both Benjamini–Hochberg and Bonferroni multiple testing correction methods for the occurrence of false positive identifications by adjusting p-values are given. Shown are the gene lists identified in our data set and associated with each pathway. # Indicates p -value > 0.05.