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. 2018 Jun 18;4(2):00162-2017. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00162-2017


Baseline patient demographics

Selected patient demographics Stable (n=26) Strain displacement (n=13)
Age at enrolment years 66.7 (47.9, 72.7) 61.46 (41, 71)
Duration of follow-up years 2.8 (1, 7) 4.8 (1, 10.4)
FEV1 % predicted 51 (39, 65) 58 (40.5, 78.5)
Respiratory comorbidities
 Sinusitis 11 (42) 6 (46)
 Reactive airway disease 7 (27) 3 (23)
 COPD 8 (31) 1 (8)
 Idiopathic 13 (50) 4 (31)
 Post-infective 13 (50) 7 (54)
 Immunodeficiency 1 (8)
 Other 1 (8)
Recorded antibiotics used
 Inhaled tobramycin 6 (23) 3 (23)
 Azithromycin 6 (23) 1 (8)
 Ciprofloxacin 3 (12) 3 (23)
Additional therapies
 Inhaled β2-agonist 23 (88) 10 (77)
 Inhaled CS 16 (62) 5 (38)
 Ipratropium bromide 2 (8) 6 (46)
 Systemic CS 5 (19) 2 (15)
 Spiriva 6 (23) 2 (15)
Long-term oxygen therapy 12 (46) 5 (38)

Data are presented as n (%) or median (interquartile range). FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CS: corticosteroid.