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. 2018 Mar 29;29(6):1476–1485. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdy097

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics by oral bisphosphonate use in the WHI study, 1993–2013

Characteristic at baseline Oral bisphosphonate use
At baseline
At baseline, year 1, 3 or 6a
No Yes No Yes
(n = 148 286) (n = 3146) (n = 136 413) (n = 14 721)
Age at screening (years) (%)
 <50–59 48 681 (32.8) 406 (12.9)b 46 242 (33.9) 2799 (19.0)
 60–69 66 993 (45.2) 1462 (46.5) 60 970 (44.7) 7326 (49.8)
 70–79 32 612 (22.0) 1278 (40.6) 29 201 (21.4) 4596 (31.2)
Race-ethnicity (%)
 Non-Hispanic white 123 276 (83.3) 2837 (90.3)b 112 666 (82.8) 13 186 (89.8)
 Black/African American 13 380 (9.1) 44 (1.4) 13 026 (9.6) 376 (2.6)
 Hispanic/Latino 5399 (3.7) 86 (2.7) 5115 (3.8) 365 (2.5)
 American Indian 632 (0.4) 1 (0.03) 607 (0.4) 26 (0.2)
 Asian/Pacific islander 3576 (2.4) 140 (4.5) 3126 (2.3) 585 (4.0)
 Other/Unknown 2023 (1.1) 38 (1.1) 1873 (1.1) 183 (1.0)
Education (%)
 High school or less 33 169 (22.5) 606 (19.4)b 30 860 (22.8) 2843 (19.5)
 School after high school 56 154 (38.2) 1029 (33.0) 51 963 (38.4) 5086 (34.8)
 College degree or higher 57 880 (39.3) 1481 (47.5) 52 606 (38.8) 6667 (45.7)
 Missing 1083 30 984 125
Smoking status (%)
 Never 74 302 (50.8) 1660 (53.6)b 68 121 (50.6) 7789 (53.6)
 Former smoker 62 063 (42.4) 1306 (42.1) 57 202 (42.5) 6000 (41.3)
 Current smoker 10 012 (6.8) 134 (4.3) 9330 (6.9) 742 (5.1)
 Missing 1909 46 1760 190
Pack-years of smoking (%)
 Never 74 302 (52.0) 1660 (55.0)b 68 121 (51.8) 7789 (54.9)
 <5 20 738 (14.5) 391 (13.0) 19 161 (14.6) 1949 (13.7)
 5–20 20 662 (14.4) 413 (13.7) 19 060 (14.5) 1983 (14.0)
 ≥20 27 287 (19.1) 555 (18.4) 25 186 (19.1) 2471 (17.4)
 Missing 5297 127 4885 529
Physical activity (MET/week) (%)
 0–3.00 40 623 (28.7) 692 (22.2)b 37 712 (29.0) 3502 (24.5)
 >3.00–<11.75 44 801 (31.7) 940 (30.1) 41 126 (31.7) 4529 (31.6)
 ≥11.75 55 923 (39.6) 1488 (47.7) 51 036 (39.3) 6284 (43.9)
 Missing 6939 26 6539 406
Alcohol intake (%)
 Never 15 843 (10.8) 397 (12.7)b 14 667 (10.8) 1558 (10.7)
 Past drinker 27 776 (18.9) 541 (17.3) 25 892 (19.1) 2366 (16.2)
 <1 drink per month 18 331 (12.4) 287 (9.2) 16 963 (12.5) 1612 (11.0)
 <1 drink per week 30 217 (20.5) 675 (21.6) 27 736 (20.5) 3102 (21.2)
 1–<7 drinks per week 37 818 (25.7) 827 (26.5) 34 444 (25.4) 4121 (28.2)
 ≥7 drinks per week 17 224 (11.7) 393 (12.6) 15 714 (11.6) 1859 (12.7)
 Missing 1077 26 997 103
BMI, kg/m2 (%)
 <25 50 435 (34.3) 1714 (54.9)b 44 563 (33.0) 7480 (51.2)
 25–30 51 162 (34.8) 1000 (32.0) 47 212 (34.9) 4843 (33.2)
 ≥30 45 398 (30.9) 410 (13.1) 43 456 (32.1) 2271 (15.6)
 Missing 1291 22 1182 127
Hormone-therapy use (%)
 Never used 61 746 (41.6) 1472 (46.8)b 55 976 (41.0) 7099 (48.2)
 <5 years 32 788 (22.1) 702 (22.3) 30 241 (22.2) 3195 (21.7)
 5 to <10 years 19 560 (13.2) 341 (10.8) 18 214 (13.4) 1653 (11.2)
 ≥10 years 34 187 (23.1) 631 (20.1) 31 977 (23.4) 2774 (18.8)
 Missing 2 0 5 0
Statin use (%) 11 567 (7.8) 375 (11.9)b 10 608 (7.8) 1312 (8.9)
History of osteoporosis (%) 9602 (6.6) 2251 (72.3)b 7975 (5.9) 3849 (26.5)
10-year probability of hip fracture (%)
 <0.53 48 881 (31.6) 270 (8.6)b 45 022 (33.0) 2089 (14.2)
 0.53–1.68 49 782 (33.6) 752 (23.9) 45 867 (33.6) 4557 (31.0)
 ≥1.69 51 623 (34.8) 2124 (67.5) 45 524 (33.4) 8075 (54.8)
Total calcium intake (supplements and diet) (mean ± SD, mg/day) 1171.8 ± 741.0 1585.8 ± 867.5b 1162.7 ± 741.4 1345.2 ± 771.1
Total vitamin D intake (supplements and diet) (mean ± SD, U/day) 370.7 ± 278.4 500.2 ± 314.2b 367.8 ± 277.6 424.8 ± 294.9
WHI study component (%)
 OS 84 511 (57.0) 2312 (73.5) 79 428 (58.2) 7285 (49.5)
 Hormone CT 25 071 (16.9) 298 (9.5) 22 372 (16.4) 2898 (19.7)
 Dietary modification CT 46 076 (31.1) 585 (18.6) 41 372 (30.3) 5181 (35.2)
 Calcium/vitamin D CT 34 250 (23.1) 354 (11.3) 30 736 (22.5) 3778 (25.7)
Enrollment in WHI hormone CT (%)
 No 123 215 (83.1) 2848 (90.5) 114 041 (83.6) 11 823 (80.3)
 E-alone placebo group 5067 (3.4) 53 (1.7) 4584 (3.4) 523 (3.6)
 E-alone active group 4960 (3.3) 45 (1.4) 4562 (3.3) 418 (2.8)
 E+P placebo group 7361 (5.0) 103 (3.3) 6317 (4.6) 1124 (7.6)
 E+P active group 7683 (5.2) 95 (3.0) 6909 (5.1) 833 (5.7)
Bisphosphonate type (%)
 Alendronate sodium 2913 (92.6) 13 467 (91.5)
 Risedronate sodium 13 (0.4) 898 (6.1)
 Othersc 220 (7.0) 356 (2.4)
Duration of bisphosphonate use (mean ± SD, years) 1.2 ± 1.7 2.5 ± 3.0

Including participants remaining at risk of lung cancer at year 6.


χ2 tests for categorical variables and Student’s t-tests for continuous variables were used to compare oral bisphosphonate users with nonusers. P value < 0.01.


Others include etidronate disodium, tiludronate disodium, pamidronate disodium and zoledronic acid.

WHI, Women’s Health Initiative; CT, clinical trials; OS, observational study; E, estrogen; E + P, estrogen plus progestin; SD, standard deviation.