Alar Base |
Base of Alar |
Distance between most lateral points on nasal alae |
ExoCD |
Exocanthal distance |
Distance between right and left outer corners of eye fissure where eyelids meet |
InterCD |
Intercanthal distance |
Distance between right and left inner corners of eye fissure where eyelids meet |
N_B |
Nasion, b point |
Mid-point of nasofrontal suture (N) to most concave point between chin and lower lip point |
N_Ll |
Nasion, lower lip |
N to junction between vermillion and soft tissue of lower lip in midline |
N_Me |
Nasion, menton |
N to most inferior portion of chin on the midline |
N_Pg |
Nasion, pogonion |
N to most projecting median point on the anterior surface of the chin |
N_Prn |
Nasion, pronasale |
N to most protruded point of nasal tip |
N_Ul |
Nasion, upper lip |
N to junction between vermillion and soft tissue of upper lip in midline |
RtLtCuspidB |
Right to left cupid’s bow |
Distance between right and left points of the crest of the philtrum |
RtLt_Ch |
Right to left cheilion |
Distance between outer corners of mouth |
Tr_B |
Tragion, b point |
Notch above the tragus of the ear (Tr) to most concave point between chin and lower lip point |
Tr_Ll |
Tragion, lower lip |
Tr to junction between vermillion and soft tissue of lower lip in midline |
Tr_Me |
Tragion, menton |
Tr to most inferior portion of the chin on the midline |
Tr_N |
Tragion, nasion |
Tr to mid-point of nasofrontal suture |
Tr_Pg |
Tragion, pogonion |
Tr to most projecting median point on the anterior surface of the chin |
Tr_Prn |
Tragion, pronasale |
Tr to most protruded point of nasal tip |
Tr_RtCuB |
Tragion, right cupid’s bow |
Tr to right point on crest of philtrum |
Tr_RtCh |
Tragion, right cheilion |
Tr to right outer corner of mouth |
Tr_Sn |
Tragion, sella-nasion line |
Tr to a line connecting the sella to the nasion |
Tr_Ul |
Tragion, upper lip |
Tr to junction between vermillion and soft tissue of upper lip in midline |