Table 4.
Measure | Reference | Guo et al, 201517 | Kotz et al, 201420 | Himes et al, 200919 | Higgins et al, 198218 |
Risk of bias | Participant selection | M | L | L | L |
Predictor assessment | M | L | M | L | |
Outcome assessment | M | L | L | L | |
Attrition | N/A | H | H | H | |
Analysis | M | M | M | M | |
Applicability concern | Participant selection | M | L | M | M |
Outcome | L | L | L | M | |
Predictors | M | L | L | L | |
Analysis | H | M | H | H | |
Results | L | L | M | L | |
Interpretation | L | L | L | L |
Abbreviations: L, low risk of bias or applicability concern; M, moderate risk of bias or applicability concern; H, high risk of bias or applicability concern; CHARMS, Checklist for Critical Appraisal and Data Extraction for Systematic Reviews of Prediction Modelling Studies; N/A, not available.