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. 2018 Apr 14;37(7):1825–1834. doi: 10.1007/s10067-018-4079-1

Table 1.

Pain in patients with SLE grouped by self-reported SLE-related pain and in controls at year 0 and year 7

All patients, n = 64 Patients with low pain, n = 50 (78%) Patients with decreased pain, n = 7 (11%) Patients with remaining pain, n = 7 (11%) Controls, n = 68
Year 0 Year 7 p a Year 0 Year 7 p a Year 0 Year 7 p a Year 0 Year 7 p a Year 0 Year 7 p a
Overall pain, VAS, mmb 17 (3 to 45) 23 (6 to 45) 0.98 13 (3 to 23) 18 (4 to 35) 0.21 67 (51 to 71) 14 (10 to 44) 0.031* 78 (46 to 96) 64 (52 to 75) 0.92 5 (0 to 29) 11 (2 to 30) 0.09
Changec in overall pain, mmb 0 (− 12 to 15) − 1 (− 12 to 6) 48 (31 to 61) − 0.5 (− 18 to 35) − 2(− 13 to 14)
SLE-related pain, VAS, mmb 11 (2 to 31) 11 (1 to 33) 0.92 7 (1 to 16) 8 (1 to 22) 0.19 70 (60 to 72) 15 (2 to 37) 0.021* 67 (47 to 83) 66 (55 to 73) 0.87
Changec in SLE-related pain, mmb 1 (− 7 to 7) 0 (− 6 to 2) 45 (35 to 65) − 13(− 20 to 28)
Problem SLE-related pain, VAS, mmb 12 (2 to 32) 6 (1 to 23) 15 (3 to 29) 54 (47 to 88)
Remaining pain > 3 monthsd 36 (56) 25 (50) 4 (57) 7 (100) 34 (50)
Chronic widespread pain/ACR90 [31]d 20 (31) 13 (26) 0 (0) 7 (100) 9 (13)
Number of body regions with pain > three monthsb 7 (4 to 11) 6 (4 to 9) 4 (3 to 4) 11 (9 to 15) 3 (2 to 4)
Use of analgesics, regulard 12 (24) 1 (14) 6 (86) 6 (7)
Use of analgesics, as neededd 18 (36) 4 (57) 1 (14) 41 (48)
No use of analgesicsd 20 (40) 2 (29) 0 (0) 39 (45)

p value defines differences between inclusion (year 0) and follow-up (year 7), – not applicable or not assessed at year 0

aWilcoxon matched pairs test

bMedians with IQR (interquartile range)

cChange between year 0 and year 7

dNumbers (%)

*Statistically significant value