Fig. 4.
SHIV-C5 challenges and duration of protective immune responses. a Monkeys were immunized with either human serum albumin (Group 1) or gp120 glycoproteins corresponding to the Envs of the transmitted/founder virus and sequential virus isolates (at weeks 53, 78 and 100) from an HIV-1CH505-infected individual (Groups 2 and 3) (green). Immunized monkeys were challenged with SHIV-C5 mixed with BNM-III-170 (Groups 1 and 3) or DMSO (Group 2) (blue). To accommodate the complete study in this schematic diagram, the time intervals on the horizontal axis are approximated. b Kaplan–Meier curves show the percentage of the monkeys in each group that remained uninfected after three high-dose intrarectal challenges with the heterologous Tier-2/3 transmitted/founder SHIV-C539. The monkeys were boosted with human serum albumin (HSA) (Group 1) or HIV-1CH505 gp120 (Groups 2 and 3) either two weeks (Challenges 1 and 2) or four weeks (Challenge 3) before the SHIV-C5 challenge. Infection of the Group 2 monkeys occurred at a rate expected for naive monkeys challenged with the same dose (3.5 animal infectious dose (AID50) units) of SHIV-C539, 42. The indicated P values were obtained using the log rank test (ns, not significant). The rate of infection of the Group 3 monkeys was significantly lower than that expected if gp120 immunization and BNM-III-170 treatment were simply additive (P = 0.0186, log rank test). c The results of the three SHIV-C5 challenges shown in (b) were used to calculate the infection rate, which is the number of infections/number of exposures. Compared with unvaccinated historical controls39, the Jewell bias-corrected relative risk of SHIV-C5 acquisition in the Group 2 monkeys is 0.95 ± 0.24 (95% confidence interval). d The percentage of Group 3 monkeys that remained uninfected after SHIV-C5 challenges at different times following the last gp120 immunization is shown. The green bars indicate SHIV-C5 challenges that were conducted in the presence of BNM-III-170 (300 μM) and the magenta bar indicates a SHIV-C5 challenge performed in the absence of BNM-III-170. Each of the values obtained with BNM-III-170 significantly differs from that obtained in the absence of the CD4mc (P < 0.05, one-tailed Fisher exact probability test). The values obtained for the SHIV-C5 challenges performed with BNM-III-170 (green bars) do not significantly differ from each other