Table 2.
Listing of 6 survey question categories, 15 mobility features, and 16 sociability features
Survey question categories | Mobility features | Sociability features |
1. Depression | 1. Time spent at home | 1. Number of outgoing texts |
2. Sleep quality | 2. Distance traveled | 2. Total outgoing text length |
3. Psychosis | 3. Radius of gyration | 3. Texting out-degree |
4. Warning symptoms scale | 4. Maximum diameter | 4. Number of incoming texts |
5. Taking medication | 5. Maximum distance from home | 5. Total incoming text length |
6. Anxiety | 6. Number of significant locations | 6. Texting in-degree |
7. Average flight length | 7. Texting reciprocity | |
8. Standard deviation of flight length | 8. Texting responsiveness | |
9. Average flight duration | 9. Number of outgoing calls | |
10. Standard deviation of flight duration | 10. Total outgoing call duration | |
11. Fraction of the day spent stationary | 11. Call out-degree | |
12. Significant location entropy | 12. Number of incoming calls | |
13. Minutes of GPS data missing | 13. Total incoming call durations | |
14. Physical circadian rhythm | 14. Call in-degree | |
15. Physical circadian rhythm stratified | 15. Call reciprocity | |
16. Call responsiveness |
Each mobility and sociability feature is calculated each day for each patient. For each survey question category, a category score is produced for each day the surveys were administered by averaging the score across all questions answered from that category, where each survey question is scored from 0 to 3. Mobility feature 15 is stratified by weekend day vs. week day. Detailed descriptions of mobility feature definitions can be found in Canzian and Musolesi [35]. In sociability features, text length is quantified as the number of characters in the text messages, so for example, sociability feature 2 is the sum of the number of characters in text messages over each day. Further, we use the social network term “degree” to refer to the number of distinct communication partners. For example, sociability feature 6, texting in-degree, corresponds to the number of individuals who have sent a text message to the subject on the given day.