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. 2018 Jun 18;13:94. doi: 10.1186/s13023-018-0828-0

Table 1.

Familial and sporadic pediatric cataracts with likely causative variants

Proband ID Sex Age of onset Ocular phenotype Extraocular features Inheritance,before and after testing Gene Refseq ID Nucleotide change Predicted amino acid change Protein domain SIFT/MutTaster/PolyPhen MAF (ExAC, East Asian) ACMG Novel
F#1 F 1 year Perinuclear cararact, microphthalmia - AD CRYAA NM_000394.3 c.61C>T p.(Arg21Trp) Alpha-crystallin N-terminal D, D, D - P Ref [35]
F#2 M Birth Total cataract - AD CRYBA1 NM_005208.4 c.552_557delinsGGAGG p.(Cys185Glufs*33) - - - P Yes
F#3 F Birth Total cataract, microphthalmia - AD CRYBA4 NM_001886.2 c.277T>C p.(Ser93Pro) 2nd Greek key D, D, D - P Yes
S#1 F Birth Total cataract, nystagmus - Sporadic->new AD CRYBB1 NM_001887.3 c.508G>T p.(Asp170Tyr) 3rd Greek key D, D, D - P Yes
F#4 M 5 years Nuclear cataract - AD CRYGC NM_020989.3 c.233C>T p.(Ser78Phe) 2nd Greek key D, D, D - LP Yes
F#5 M Birth Unknown type - AD CRYGD NM_006891.3 c.70C>A p.(Pro24Thr) 1st Greek key T, D, B - P Ref [10, 11]
S#2 M Birth Unknown type Sporadic->new AD CRYGD NM_006891.3 c.134T>C p.(Leu45Pro) 2nd Greek key D, D, D - P Ref [12]
F#6 F Birth Total cataract, strabismus, nystagmus - AD CRYGD NM_006891.3 c.309dup p.(Glu104Argfs*4) - - - P Ref [36]
S#3 F Birth Total cataract, nystagmus - Sporadic->new AD CRYGD NM_006891.3 c.418C>T p.(Arg140*) - - - P Ref [37]
F#7 F 2 months Unknown type, nystagmus - AD MIP NM_012064.3 c.494G>A p.(Gly165Asp) Aquaporin-like D, D, D - P Ref [17]
S#4 F 3 months Total cataract, nystagmus - Sporadic->new AD MIP NM_012064.3 c.530A>G p.(Tyr177Cys) Aquaporin-like T, D, D - P Ref [18]
F#8 F Birth Unknown type, nystagmus - AD MIP NM_012064.3 c.612C>G p.(Tyr204*) - - - P Yes
S#5/F#9 M/F 3/5 months Total cataract, nystagmus/Total cataract - Sporadic/AR->AR GCNT2 NM_001491.2 c.1043G>A p.(Gly348Glu) Lumenal domain D, D, D 0.00104 P Ref [15]
c.1148G>A p.(Arg383His) Lumenal domain D, D, B 0.0003467 P
S#6 M 5 months Perinuclear cararact - Sporadic->AR IARS2 NM_018060.3 c.607G>C p.(Gly203Arg) Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase D, D, D LP Yes
c.2575T>C p.(Phe859Leu) Anticodon-binding T, D, D 0.002775 LP
F#10 M 6 months Unknown type - AR IARS2 NM_018060.3 c.2446C>T p.(Arg816*) - - 0.0001156 P Yes
c.2575T>C p.(Phe859Leu) Anticodon-binding T, D, D 0.002775 LP
S#7 M Birth Unknown type, microphthalmia, microcornea, nystagmus Long narrow face, small nose, mild anteverted pinnae, and dental anomalies Sporadic->X-linked NHS NM_001291868.1 c.2739del p.(Phe913Leufs*9) - - - P Yes
S#8 M Birth Total cataract, microphthalmia, microcornea, nystagmus Large anteverted pinnae, mental retardation Sporadic/new X-linked NHS NM_001291868.1 c.3207_3208del p.(Ala1070Phefs*16) - - - P Yes
S#9 F Birth Total cataract, microphthalmia, microcornea Hypodontia Sporadic->new X-linked BCOR NM_001123384.1 c.4706dup p.(Gly1570Argfs*7) - - - P No
F#11 F Birth Total cataract - AD BFSP2 NM_003571.3 c.697_699del p.(Glu233del) Intermediate filament rod domain - - p Ref [13]
S#10 M 7 months Unknown type - Sporadic->AR FYCO1 NM_024513.3 c.808C>T p.(Gln270*) - - - P Yes
c.3587+1G>T - - 0.0002326 P
S#11 M Birth Posterior polar cataract - Sporadic->new AD MAF NM_001031804.2 c.950A>G p.(Glu317Gly) b-Zipper D, D, D - P Yes
F#12 M 3 months Unknown type, nystagmus - AR->AD PAX6 NM_001310159.1 c.113G>A p.(Arg38Gln) Paired domain D, -, D - P Yes

Abbreviations: Proband ID, F family, S sporadic case, Sex, F female, M male; D, damaging, T tolerated, B benign, ACMG American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, P pathogenic, LP likely pathogenic, Ref Reference