Table 2.
Theoretical concept | Variable | Type | Dataset |
Health literacy | Number of correct health literacy tests | 5 point scale | ELSA W5 |
Education | Level of educational qualification | Categorical | ELSA W6 |
Technology | Frequency of using the internet | 6 point scale | ELSA W6 |
Convenience | Proportion of people who found the appointment very or fairly convenient | Percent | GPPS |
Ease at booking | Proportion of people who wound it very or fairly easy to get through to someone at the surgery | Percent | GPPS |
Clear information | Proportion of people who know how to contact out of hours | Percent | GPPS |
Obtaining an appointment | Proportion that were able to get appointment when needed | Percent | GPPS |
ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, W5 wave 5, GGPS GP Patient Survey