PTP1B is highly expressed in immune cells and its absence decreases viability of myeloid cells afterγ-irradiation. (A) PTP1B mRNA basal levels of different organs from WT animals (n = 5) or MEFs isolated from these animals, or at 6 h after exposure to 5 Gy. The indicated tissues were isolated, the RNA extracted and analyzed for the levels of Ptpn1 vs. the corresponding unexposed (n = 5) counterparts (Fold Induction, FI, was calculated vs. the liver Ptpn1 levels from untreated animals). (B) Spleens of irradiated animals were excised off and expressed vs. the body weight of the animals (24 h). (C,D) The percentage of apoptotic cells in the spleen (per mg of tissue) and bone marrow, as well as the distribution of different subsets of myeloid cells were determined 24 h after 5 Gy irradiation of WT or PTP1B KO mice (n = 4–5). Results show the mean±SD of two independent experiments. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.005 vs. the same condition in WT animals.