Table 1.
Interview schedule using the Theoretical Domains Framework [32] (Goes with section on study design)
Behavioural change domain | Interview questions to explore the domain |
Knowledge | • What does moderate intensity physical activity mean to you? • What does exercise mean to you? • Do you know how much PA is recommended for maintaining good health? If participant does not have the knowledge, provide the recommended definition of moderate intensity physical activity and definition of exercise |
Skills | • Would you know how to do moderate intensity PA? • How easy or difficult do you find doing moderate intensity PA? • Would you know how to exercise to improve your health? • How easy or difficult do you find doing exercise? |
Beliefs about capability | • How confident do you feel about doing 150 min of moderate intensity PA per week? • Back home did you have any problems being able to undertake moderate intensity PA? • Now do you have any problems undertaking moderate intensity PA? Probe: What would help you with these problems? • Do you think you could carry on doing150 min of moderate intensity PA if you started? • Did you have you had any problems exercising back home? • Do you have any problems now undertaking exercise? • Do you think you could continue to exercise if you started? |
Belief about consequences | • What do you think will happen increase your PA levels to moderate intensity? • What do you think will happen if you don’t increase your PA? • What do you think are the advantages of doing regular moderate intensity PA? • What do you think are the consequences of not doing regular moderate intensity PA? • What do you think will happen if you start to exercise? • What do you think will happen if you don’t start to exercise? • What do you think are the consequences of not doing regular exercise? |
Motivation and goals (intention) | • How much do you want to do more moderate intensity PA? • Are there other things that you think are more important than doing more PA? • How much do you want to do more exercise? • Are there other things that you think are more important than doing exercise/? |
Memory, attention and decision processes | • Is exercise something you would normally do? • Probe: If yes, how do you make sure you do your exercise? • What would stop you from doing your exercise? • Would you remember to do 150 minutes of moderate intensity PA over the week? |
Environmental context and resources | • Consider how you are living at the moment: • What things make it easy for you to do more moderate intensity PA? • What things make it difficult for you to exercise/do more moderate intensity PA? • Probe: access, finances, time • What things make it easy for you to exercise? • What things make it difficult for you to exercise PA? • Probe: access, finances, time |
Social influences | • How would the people that you live and socialise with help you • or make it difficult for you to do more moderate intensity PA? • Prompt: family, peers, social groups • Do you see other people exercise around you? • If yes, does that influence you? |
Emotion | • When you do more moderate intensity PA how does it make you feel? • Does this feeling make it easier or harder to do more moderate intensity PA? • When you exercise how does it make you feel? • Does this feeling make it easier or harder for you to exercise? |
Nature of the behaviour | • What do you do/what do you think you need to do to before you do more moderate intensity PA regularly? (individual/community/environment) • What do you do/what do you think you need to do to before you can do more exercise? • Thinking about your life at the moment, how do you think this affects you being able to undertake PA? Probe: explain why • Thinking about your life at the moment, how do you think this affects you being able to exercise? Probe: explain why |