Fig. 3.
Protein S-glutathionylation occupancy shift after fatigue. Of the approximately 2200 sites of P-SSG, over half (1290 with FDR adjustment of 0.05) of them had a significant shift in P-SSG level after fatigue as observed in this volcano plot (A). On a log scale, a shift in occupancy of approximately 0.72% is evident between the left (unstimulated) and right (stimulated) leg. (B). Divided into subcellular location (Uniprot defined), the greatest shift in occupancy occurs from right to left, with mitochondria demonstrating a 1.04% shift in occupancy compared to nuclear proteins at 0.47%. The average baseline P-SSG occupancy across all compartments was 4.5% which increased to an average occupancy of 5.22% in the stimulated gastrocnemius. (C). In the 10/90 percentile box and whiskers plot, + indicates the mean of all data points, including outliers, which were not displayed for ease of visualization. N = Nuclear, C = Cytoplasmic, S = Secreted, ER = Endoplasmic/Sarcoplasmic Reticulum, CM = Cell Membrane, M = Mitochondria.