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. 2017 Dec 13;20(7):994–1002. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/nox227

Table 1.

Summary of multimodal MRI data for the 4 timepoints

Baseline After RT True Progression Last Visit
Median IQR Median IQR Median IQR Median IQR
All Patients ADC p50 2.043 0.935 1.205* 0.412 1.304* 0.284 1.152* 0.222
ADC p10 1.297 0.510 0.828* 0.241 0.913* 0.190 0.822* 0.274
ASL-CBF p50 31.00 4.000 52.00* 26.25 33.00† 8.000 33.50† 14.00
ASL-CBF p90 43.00 6.500 71.50* 40.00 53.00† 10.00 52.00† 16.00
DSCrCBF p50 1.349 0.877 2.152* 0.972 1.662† 0.512 1.933 1.512
DSCrCBF p90 2.890 1.656 4.071* 1.623 3.484† 0.809 4.092 1.923
DSCrCBV p50 1.427 0.546 2.127* 0.738 1.634† 0.575 1.929 1.041
DSCrCBV p90 2.930 1.147 4.000* 1.527 3.159† 0.801 3.932 2.112
Pseudoprogression Patients ADC p50 1.842 0.602 1.373* 0.407 1.359* 0.382 1.232* 0.245
ADC p10 1.251 0.504 0.914* 0.270 0.913* 0.166 0.897* 0.177
ASL-CBF p50 31.00 2.000 57.00* 28.00 32.00†‡ 2.249 32.50† 14.75
ASL-CBF p90 43.00 6.502 93.00*‡ 40.40 46.70†‡ 5.000 51.00† 18.48
DSCrCBF p50 1.369 0.386 2.299* 1.263 1.473† 0.528 1.473† 0.960
DSCrCBF p90 2.890 1.902 3.988 1.810 3.571 0.503 3.516 1.425
DSCrCBV p50 1.495 0.503 2.127 0.890 1.605† 0.851 1.573† 0.949
DSCrCBV p90 2.948 1.172 4.384* 2.015 3.393† 0.805 3.393 1.080
Control Patients ADC p50 1.604 1.005 1.155* 0.261 1.245* 0.145 1.061*§ 0.196
ADC p10 1.159 0.500 0.811* 0.103 0.916* 0.174 0.760* 0.237
ASL-CBF p50 31.00 4.500 43.00* 20.00 39.00*‡ 7.000 37.00 13.00
ASL-CBF p90 43.50 5.501 61.00*‡ 20.00 56.00*‡ 5.001 57.00* 10.00
DSCrCBF p50 1.139 0.743 2.129* 0.673 1.716† 0.524 2.957*§ 1.204
DSCrCBF p90 2.704 1.445 4.071* 1.271 2.896† 0.660 4.332*§ 1.162
DSCrCBV p50 1.269 0.601 1.972* 0.622 1.663† 0.521 2.563*§ 0.897
DSCrCBV p90 2.979 1.106 3.932* 1.015 3.027† 0.745 4.802*§ 1.203

Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range; ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient (in µm2/ms); ASL-CBF, arterial spin labeling estimated blood flow (in mL/100 g of tissue per minute); DSCrCBF, relative blood flow and DSCrCBV, relative blood volume (both estimated by DSC perfusion); p10, p50, and p90 correspond to the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentile values; * value significantly different from baseline; † value significantly different from after RT; § value significantly different from “progression”; and ‡ significant difference between group 1 and 2 values.