MCF10A cells were transfected with a pool of three MET-targeting siRNAs (20 nM) or a control siRNA (siCtrl). A control without siRNA was also included (Ctrl) (A). MCF10A cells were transfected with two HIF1a-targeting siRNAs (20 nM), independently or together, or a control siRNA (siCtrl) (B). The cells were then placed for 1 h under normoxic or hypoxic conditions and treated or not for 10 min with 10 ng/mL HGF/SF. In each experiment, the same amount of protein was analyzed by western blotting with antibodies directed against: phosphorylated residues in the MET kinase domain, the MET kinase domain, phosphorylated Akt, Akt, phosphorylated Erk, Erk2, phosphorylated GAB1, GAB1, or hypoxia marker HIF1a. The positions of prestained molecular weight markers are indicated. Arrows indicate the positions of precursor and mature full-length MET and Erk1/2 proteins.