Figure 1. Butyrate suppresses its own oxidation in colorectal cancer cells.
(A) Schematic shows butyrate pre-pretreatment and measurement of butyrate oxidation. (B) Percentage change in oxygen consumption rate (OCR) relative to baseline in pre-treated HCT116 cells with and without butyrate (5 mM, 24 hrs). (C) Area under the curve measurement from OCR analysis taken after 2-deoxyglucose (2DG) injection but before azide injection (56-104 min). (D) Diagram of butyrate oxidation in the cancerous colonocytes. Cancerous colonocytes oxidize butyrate in the mitochondria. SCAD plays a role in first step of the oxidation of butyrate. (E) Western blot confirming butyrate reduced the SCAD level. Quantification of western blots is shown in right panel. Data for western blots and butyrate oxidation represent the average of 3-5 replicates per condition. Error bars are ± SEM. MCT1; monocarboxylate transport protein 1, OCTN2; organic cation/carnitine transporter, ACSS; Acyl Co-A synthetases, CPT1/2; carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1/2, SCAD; short chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase.