Chronic hypoxia (CH) increases phosphorylated (p-)cofilin and cofilin protein levels but not the p-cofilin-to-cofilin ratio. Western blots were performed on unfractionated lysates of intrapulmonary arteries from control (Con) and CH rats, and p-cofilin and cofilin protein levels were quantified by band intensity and normalized to β-actin protein expression. A: representative blots showing p-cofilin, cofilin, and β-actin levels in control and CH lysates under vehicle (Veh) and endothelin-1 (ET-1)-treated conditions. B: p-cofilin-to-cofilin ratio. SMIFH2, small-molecule inhibitor of formin homology domain 2; CytB, cytochalasin B. C: p-cofilin/β-actin. D: cofilin/β-actin levels. n = 6–9/group. *P < 0.05 CH vs. control.