A and B: pressor effects induced by systemic infusion of ANG II in adult offspring of dams fed a control diet (CD) or high-fat diet (HFD). The pressor effect was enhanced in the offspring of dams fed a HFD during either pregnancy, lactation, or both. C and D: daily heart rate (HR) and changes in HR after systemic infusions of ANG II in all groups. Rats were divided into the following groups: offspring from CD-fed dams sucked by CD-fed dams (OCC group), offspring from HFD-fed dams suckled by CD-fed dams (OHC group), offspring from CD-fed dams sucked by HFD-fed dams (OCH group), and offspring from HFD-fed dams suckled by HFD-fed dams (OHH group). MAP, mean arterial pressure. n = 6 rats/group. *P < 0.05 vs. baseline; #P < 0.05 vs. the OCC group.