A. Time course of BCR-ABL1 transcript levels (log
scale), cytogenetic t(9;22) results (Cyto), JAK2 V617F
status, treatment, peripheral blood counts, and bone marrow morphology, Hy
= hydroxyurea, Rux = ruxolitinib, *the first
quantitative BCR-ABL1 assay performed after 3 months of
tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy revealed that molecular response4
had been attained. B. Bone marrow core biopsy at identification of
BCR-ABL1 (month 129) showing predominant features of
chronic myeloid leukemia. Hypercellular (top), increased M:E ratio, increased
hypolobated megakaryocytes with clustering (middle, bottom left), mildly
increased reticulin fibrosis, grade 1/3 (bottom right). C. Bone
marrow core biopsy after 6 months of tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy (month
135) showing predominant features of primary myelofibrosis. Hypercellular (top),
mildly increased large megakaryocytes with bulbous nuclei (middle, bottom left),
increased reticulin fibrosis, grade 1-2/3 (bottom right). D. Bone
marrow core biopsy following tyrosine kinase inhibitor and hydroxyurea therapy
(month 177) showing progression to fibrotic phase primary myelofibrosis. Focally
hypercellular (top), increased hyperchromatic megakaryocytes (middle, bottom
left), markedly increased reticulin fibrosis, grade 3/3 (bottom right).