A. Time course of BCR-ABL1 transcript levels (log
scale), cytogenetic t(9;22) results (Cyto), JAK2 V617F
status, treatment, peripheral blood counts, and bone marrow morphology.
B. Bone marrow core biopsy at initial diagnosis (month 0)
showing predominant features of chronic myeloid leukemia. Hypercellular (top),
elevated M:E ratio (middle), small hypolobated megakaryocytes (bottom). C
and D. Bone marrow core biopsy after tyrosine kinase inhibitor
therapy (month 6 and month 13, respectively) showing predominant features of
essential thrombocythemia. Normocellular (C) to mildly hypercellular (D),
hyperlobated “staghorn” megakaryocytes with clustering (middle
and bottom).