A. Time course of BCR-ABL1 transcript levels (log
scale), cytogenetic t(9;22) results (Cyto), JAK2 V617F
status, treatment, peripheral blood counts, and bone marrow morphology, Allo Tx
= allogeneic transplant. B. Bone marrow core biopsy at
initial diagnosis (month 0) showing features of chronic myeloid leukemia and
myelofibrosis. Hypercellular (top), markedly increased hypolobated
megakaryocytes with clustering (middle, bottom left), increased reticulin
fibrosis, grade 3/3 (bottom right). C. Bone marrow core biopsy
after 15 months of tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy (month 15) showing
accelerated phase chronic myeloid leukemia. Hypercellular (top), increased
myeloblasts (5-10%) (middle), atypical hypolobated megakaryocytes
(bottom left), decreased reticulin fibrosis, grade 2/3 (bottom right).
D. Bone marrow core biopsy following stem cell transplant
(month 23). Normocellular (top), trilineage hematopoiesis, no morphologic
evidence of JAK2+ BCR-ABL1+ myeloproliferative
neoplasm (middle, bottom left), grade 0/3 reticulin fibrosis (bottom right).