Figure 4.
MCC22 decreased responses of dorsal horn neurons evoked by mechanical stimuli in HbSS mice. A) Mean discharge rate (impulses/s) evoked by 1.0, 8.0 and 15.0 g von Frey monofilaments before any injection, after vehicle, and after MCC22 (8 μmol/kg; 10 mg/kg, i.p.). MCC22, but not vehicle, reduced evoked responses of nociceptive dorsal horn neurons (n=8) in HbSS mice. * indicates a significant difference from baseline (Bonferroni t-tests; p<0.001) for stimulus intensities of 8.0 and 15.0 g. Functional characterization (B) and responses (impulses/s) of a single WDR neuron evoked by 1.0 (C), 8.0 (D) and 15.0 (E) g before any injection, after vehicle, and after MCC22. Response histograms show discharge rates per 1-s bin width. Evoked action potentials are shown below each response histogram.