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. 2018 Jun 1;57(Suppl 3):53–63. doi: 10.1007/s00394-018-1728-8

Table 4.

Median (P25–P75) daily intake (mL/day) of different fluid types and the percentage of consumers among adolescents (10–17 years), by country

Mexico (n = 376) Brazil (n = 194) Argentina (n = 219) Uruguay (n = 144)
P50 (P25–P75) % consumers P50 (P25–P75) % consumers P50 (P25–P75) % consumers P50 (P25–P75) % consumers
Water 391 (180–963) 90 505 (278–778) 99 346 (93–675) 84 434 (155–798) 89
 Bottled water 336 (111–721) 85 17 (0–179) 54 0 (0–100) 38 340 (0–684) 74
 Tap water 0 (0–0) 23 314 (114–643) 88 146 (0–497) 68 0 (0–39) 29
Milk and derivatives 154 (9–320) 76 156 (36–265) 83 144 (0–361) 71 240 (63–498) 80
Hot beverages 0 (0–131) 49 31 (0–149) 61 179 (0–357) 75 0 (0–87) 29
 Coffee 0 (0–107) 43 16 (0–98) 55 0 (0–73) 35 0 (0–0) 19
 Tea 0 (0–0) 17 0 (0–0) 24 0 (0–71) 36 0 (0–0) 8
 Maté ND ND ND ND 0 (0–179) 40 0 (0–0) 13
 Other hot beverages ND ND ND ND ND ND 0 (0–0) 1
SSB 524 (258–908) 94 499 (262–811) 98 686 (388–1147) 92 390 (194–749) 92
 CSD 137 (0–393) 72 235 (107–459) 93 247 (86–599) 83 200 (64–411) 78
 Juice-based drinks 47 (0–200) 58 174 (54–344) 89 150 (0–463) 68 0 (0–215) 42
 Functional beverages 0 (0–0) 11 0 (0–0) 15 0 (0–0) 10 0 (0–0) 5
 RTD tea and coffee 0 (0–0) 19 0 (0–0) 16 0 (0–0) 1 0 (0–0) 0
 Flavored water 115 (0–292) 68 0 (0–0) 17 0 (0–71) 32 0 (0–0) 19
100% fruit juices 0 (0–0) 20 42 (0–157) 60 0 (0–0) 15 0 (0–0) 6
A/NSB 0 (0–0) 12 0 (0–36) 33 0 (0–100) 38 0 (0–0) 18
Alcoholic beverages 0 (0–0) 3 0 (0–0) 7 0 (0–0) 6 0 (0–0) 2
Other beverages 0 (0–0) 10 0 (0–0) 8 0 (0–0) 2% 0 (0–0) 19

SSB Sugar sweetened beverages, CSD carbonated sweetened drinks, RTD ready to drink, A/NSB Artificial/non-nutritive sweeteners beverages, ND no data