Table 1.
Description of the biological parameters used for the six scenarios in the biophysical modelling. Definitions follow41,43.
Larval Biological Parameter | Description | DPMmax | P. meandrina/eydouxi complex | P. lobata/evermanni complex | P. varians | A. valida |
Spawning timing | Date of larval release during spawning | Monthly, every full and new moon | Two to seven spawning events per year during at full moon according to ecoregion and species (see Table S3) | |||
Pre-competency period |
After fertilisation, larvae require hours to days to reach a competency stage, that is, capable of settlement and metamorphose | We applied the Gamma cumulative distribution function to represent the onset of larval settlement competency. We used the parameters 16 and 0.25 that imply a 50% competent larvae after 4 days | ||||
Daily larval mortality | The daily mortality rate for a negative exponential decay of larvae while dispersing | 2% | Larval mortality is unknown for the modelled species, though it is reported in the order of 5% to 10% day−1 (see details in80) | |||
Maximum pelagic larval duration (days) |
The length (days) of the maximum larval dispersal period | 150 | 150 and 100 | 50 | 30 | 120 |
Settlement Rate | Rate at which competent larvae will settle when over the reef | 0.95 | ||||
Larval behaviour | Swimming and homing capabilities of larvae (active or passive) | Passive, no homing | ||||
Migration rate threshold | Lower probability threshold below which no migration was inferred | 1/1 000 000 | ||||
Diffusivity | Diffusivity constant in m2s−1. Describes the biological-physical repulsion between larvae | 100 |