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. 2018 Jun 19;8:9355. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-27695-5

Table 3.

Normal and abnormal signals together of three diseases and controls.

Classification method TPR of LQT1 TPR of HCM TPR of CPVT TPR of WT Accuracy
kNN, cityblock metric, equal weighting, k = 5 93.3 76.1 70.4 68.4 74.6
kNN, cityblock metric, inverse weighting, k = 5 93.3 74.6 71.7 68.4 75.0
kNN, cityblock metric, squared inverse weighting, k = 5 91.1 76.1 71.7 69.2 75.0
kNN, Mahalanobis metric, equal weighting, k = 1 87.8 80.3 71.7 69.2 75.0
kNN, Mahalanobis metric, inverse weighting, k = 1 87.8 80.3 71.7 69.2 75.0
kNN, Mahalanobis metric, squared inverse weighting, k = 11 94.4 78.9 71.2 66.9 75.1
Random forests, 54 trees 88.9 81.7 76.8 72.9 78.6
LS-SVM RBF kernel, parameters C = 24, sigma = 2 85.6 71.8 70.8 78.2 75.3

True positive rates (TPR, %) of LQT1, HCM, CPVT diseases and controls (WT) with 90, 71, 233 and 133 signals respectively and accuracy (%) of all signals (kNN is k nearest-neighbor searching method and LS-SVM least square support vector machine). The best accuracy is bolded.