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. 2018 Jun 5;6(6):e131. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.8122

Table 1.

Sociodemographic characteristics of participants.

Variable Participants (n=86)
Age in years, mean (SD) 54.3 (13.3)
Body mass index, mean (SD) 35.8 (8.9)
Female, n (%) 50 (58)
White race, n (%) 80 (93)
Employed, n (%) 34 (40)
Married, n (%) 51 (59)
Completed university, n (%) 24 (28)
Income range, n (%)

<US $15,000 13 (15)

US $15,000 to <US $25,000 6 (7)

US $25,000 to < US $35,000 10 (12)

US $35,000 to < US $50,000 17 (20)

US $50,000 to < US $75,000 20 (23)

US $75,000 to < US $100,000 9 (11)

US $100,000 to < US $125,000 5 (6)

US $125,000 to < US $150,000 3 (4)

US $150,000 to < US $200,000 1 (1)

US $200,000 to < US $250,000

US $250,000+

Declined disclosure 2 (2)
Comorbidities, n (%)

Diagnosed with a cardiovascular or heart disease 9 (11)

Diagnosed with a chronic pulmonary disease 4 (5)

Diagnosed with sleep apnea 23 (27)

Diagnosed with insomnia 12 (14)