Table 1.
Study a | Principal investigator | Start year | End year | Country | Sample size |
Setting | PTSD diagnostic scale | Recruitment | Last follow-up | Number of PTSD assessments | Follow-up rate (%)b |
Zurich ICU (Hepp et al., 2008) | Schnyder | 1995 | 1997 | Switzerland | 121 | ICU | CAPS | In hospital | 3 years | 4 | 90.1 |
Hadassah startle (Shalev et al., 2000) | Shalev | 1995 | 1998 | Israel | 235 | ER | CAPS | 1 week | 4 months | 2 | 88.1 |
Jerusalem fMRI (Bonne et al., 2001) | Shalev | 1997 | 1998 | Israel | 50 | ER | CAPS | 1 week | 6 months | 1 | 68.0 |
Zurich ward (Jenewein et al., 2009) | Schnyder | 1999 | 2000 | Switzerland | 323 | Trauma ward | CAPS | In hospital | 6 months | 2 | 89.8 |
Midwest resilience (deRoon-Cassini et al., 2010) | deRoon-Cassini | 2000 | 2003 | USA | 328 | Trauma ward | PDS | In hospital | 6 months | 3 | 83.8 |
Ohio MVA (Irish et al., 2008) | Delahanty | 2000 | 2004 | USA | 406 | Trauma ward | CAPS | In hospital | 1 year | 3 | 84.0 |
Multisite ASD (Bryant et al., 2008) | Bryant | 2004 | 2006 | Australia | 1084 | ER | CAPS | In hospital | 1 year | 3 | 88.8 |
Hadassah cortisol (Shalev et al., 2008) | Shalev | 2005 | 2006 | Israel | 279 | ER | CAPS | 1 week | 4 months | 2 | 81.6 |
JTOPS (Shalev et al., 2012) | Shalev | 2003 | 2007 | Israel | 1996 | ER | CAPS | 1 week | 3 years | 4 | 93.5 |
TCOM (Matsuoka et al., 2009a) | Matsuoka | 2004 | 2008 | Japan | 312 | CCU | CAPS | In hospital | 1.5 years | 4 | 69.9 |
Amsterdam cortisol (Mouthaan et al., 2014) | Olff | 2005 | 2009 | Netherlands | 852 | ER | CAPS | A few days | 1 year | 4 | 89.1 |
Milwaukeec | deRoon-Cassini | 2007 | 2014 | USA | 214 | Trauma ward | PSS | In hospital | 2 years | 4 | 49.1 |
Amsterdam oxytocin (van Zuiden et al., 2017) | Olff | 2012 | 2015 | Netherlands | 54 | ER | CAPS | A few days | 6 months | 4 | 85.2 |
a Studies are listed by chronological order of the end year, from earliest to most recent studies. If two studies ended in the same year, alphabetical order of the principal investigator’s last name is used. If both study end year and principal investigator are the same, the study with a larger sample size is listed first.
b Follow-up rate is defined by the percentage of subjects with at least one follow-up after baseline assessment, using dates of follow-up as an indicator of being assessed. The Midwest resilience study has missing dates for both follow-up time-points. Therefore, the follow-up rate of this study is the percentage of subjects with at least one PTSD assessment after baseline, using the PDS data.
c Unpublished at the time of data transfer.
PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder; ICU, intensive care unit; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; MVA, motor vehicle accident; ASD, acute stress disorder; JTOPS, Jerusalem Trauma Outreach and Prevention Study; TCOM, Tachikawa Cohort of Motor Vehicle Accident; ER, emergency room; CCU, critical care centre; CAPS, Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (Blake et al., 1998); PDS, PTSD Diagnostic Scale (Foa, 1995); PSS, PTSD Symptom Scale (Foa & Tolin, 2000).