Figure 1.
Image and caption modified from Clark et al. [14] and Neptune et al. [15]. (a) Muscle coactivation weightings from healthy individual walking at 1.2 m/s determined from NNMF. (b) Activation profiles represent the timing of the module during the gait cycle. The thin lines were individuals from Clark et al. [14] with thicker lines representing the group average. Module contributions to walking are demonstrated on the skeleton rendition. Arrows are acting on the center of mass symbol to illustrate what the module contributions are to ground reaction forces for propulsion during walking. Module 1 can be seen to provide body support and decelerate forward motion. Module 2 contributes to body support as well but provides forward propulsion. Module 3 assists with limb clearance during swing phase and module 4 with limb deceleration. TA: tibialis anterior; SO: soleus; MG: medial gastrocnemius; VM: vastus medialis; RF: rectus femoris; MH: medial hamstrings; LH or HL: lateral hamstrings; GM: gluteus medius.