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. 2018 Jun 6;8(6):e021117. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-021117

Table 2.

Summary of participants’ clinical progress during the TreatWELL study

1 Biopsy showed advanced disease after patient had undergone baseline measures and the phase 1 LC intervention visit. Patient excluded from further study measures.
2 Surgery as planned but poor postoperative recovery and discharged to a continuing care unit. Intravenous chemotherapy started after discharge home followed by oral chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Waiting for stoma reversal. All phases of study completed.
3 Surgery as planned. Slow recovery postsurgery and on parenteral nutrition. No adjuvant therapies required. Discharged home with carers twice a day, walking with a Zimmer frame. May have further surgery and did not progress beyond phase 2 in study. Seen at peripheral hospital.
4 Surgery as planned. No adjuvant therapies required. Became worried about recurrence after discharge and had to have psychological support. Hip pain restarted in phase 3. Lung metastases and heart failure diagnosed. Dropped out during phase 3. Patient died.
5 Surgery as planned. No adjuvant therapies required. All study phases completed.
6 Short phase 1. Emergency surgery to defunction bowel (stoma formation). Successful chemotherapy and radiotherapy before main surgery. Phases 2 and 3 switched round for this participant. All study phases completed.
7 Surgery as planned then admission to high dependency unit postoperatively. Discharged but readmitted for further surgery and stoma formation. Chemotherapy given. All study phases completed.
8 Surgery performed. Further surgery performed for removal of residual tumour. Stoma reversed. No adjuvant therapies required. All study phases completed.
9 Biopsy showed advanced disease after patient had undergone baseline measures. Patient not going ahead for surgery and excluded from further study measures.
10 Surgery as planned and chemotherapy. Admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis but diabetes since resolved. Slow recovery. Phase 1 delivered day before surgery. Phase 2 and 3 of study completed.
11 Short phase 1. Surgery performed. No adjuvant therapies required. Completed phase 2 and 3 of the study.
12 Phase 1 delivered day before surgery. Surgery performed. Chemotherapy commenced early due to cancellation in clinic and completed. Phase 2 completed. Wife has health issues that prevented him completing phase 3.
13 Surgery as planned, No adjuvant therapies required. All phases of study completed. Home visits.
14 Surgery as planned and chemotherapy started after surgery. All study phases completed. Seen at peripheral hospital.
15 Surgery as planned and no chemotherapy required. All phases of study completed (short phase 1). Home visits.
16 Surgery as planned, no adjuvant therapies required. All phases of study completed. Home visits.
17 Surgery as planned. Oral chemotherapy after surgery. All phases of study completed.
18 For defunctioning stoma and presurgery radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Surgery performed. Lost to follow-up as still requiring intensive treatment at study end (phase 1 and 2 only).
19 Surgery as planned but readmitted. Slow recovery from surgery with significant complications. Phase 1, 2 and 3. Dropped out of study during phase 3 as felt back to normal and did not require further support.
20 No phase 1 undertaken. Surgery as planned, long postoperative recovery. No adjuvant therapies required. Phase 2 and 3 of study completed.
21 Surgery performed. No adjuvant therapies required. All phases of study completed. Home visits.
22 Phase 1 delivered day before surgery. Surgery performed. Chemotherapy required. Phase 2 and 3 of study completed.

Participant completed study n=15. Dropped out n=7.