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. 2018 Apr 10;4(3):207–215. doi: 10.1002/osp4.166

Table 4.

Odds ratios between NHANES and POWER adjusted for sex, race/ethnicity (African American, Asian/Other, Latino/Hispanic and White), insurance status (Private or Private+Public, Public or None, Missing or Unknown) and multiple of the 95th BMI percentile for all subjects and each obesity class

Outcome POWER (%) NHANES (%) Adjusted odds ratio (95% CI) P‐value
All subjects
Hypertension criteria met 20.4 2.2 8.60 (4.66, 15.86) <0.001
Prediabetes 34.4 40.0 0.78 (0.53, 1.14) 0.202
High LDL 10.4 5.5 1.71 (0.90, 3.23) 0.101
High triglycerides 38.0 20.3 2.17 (1.44, 3.26) <0.001
Low HDL 43.3 25.5 1.76 (1.23, 2.52) 0.002
High ALT 22.3 9.6 2.56 (1.76, 3.72) <0.001
Class 1 obesity
Hypertension criteria met 13.8 1.4 12.16 (4.31, 34.31) <0.001
Prediabetes 27.7 30.3 0.81 (0.45, 1.47) 0.494
High LDL 10.5 4.5 2.21 (0.82, 5.97) 0.117
High triglycerides 38.2 22.2 2.09 (1.20, 3.62) 0.009
Low HDL 38.6 22.4 1.94 (1.17, 3.24) 0.011
High ALT 15.7 7.5 2.06 (1.13, 3.74) 0.018
Class 2 obesity
Hypertension criteria met 16.0 2.1 9.99 (2.95, 33.83) <0.001
Prediabetes 32.4 49.6 0.75 (0.37, 1.51) 0.415
High LDL 10.8 9.7 0.84 (0.32, 2.25) 0.734
High triglycerides 34.9 14.1 3.06 (1.45, 6.47) 0.004
Low HDL 40.3 26.0 1.86 (0.99, 3.48) 0.055
High ALT 21.7 12.6 2.38 (1.31, 4.31) 0.005
Class 3 obesity
Hypertension criteria met 29.4 5.8 5.02 (1.90, 13.31) 0.001
Prediabetes 41.8 56.2 0.56 (0.25, 1.23) 0.150
High LDL 9.8 2.3 4.09 (0.73, 23.03) 0.111
High triglycerides 40.9 23.6 1.76 (0.71, 4.39) 0.227
Low HDL 50.6 38.0 1.42 (0.62, 3.22) 0.406
High ALT 27.9 13.0 2.72 (1.25, 5.93) 0.012

CI, confidence interval; HDL, high‐density lipoprotein; LDL, low‐density lipoprotein; NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; POWER, Pediatric Obesity and Weight Evaluation Registry.