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. 2018 Jun 20;13(6):e0198551. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198551

Table 3. Numbers (n) and percentages (%)* of DR severity level among IHS-JVN patients, by their characteristics.

Characteristic No Apparent DR Mild NPDR Moderate NPDR Severe NPDR Evidence of PDR Hypothesis tests of independence
n % n % n % n % n % Chi-Sq (df) P-value
 Less than 50 years 14826 80.5 1440 7.8 1692 9.2 38 0.2 413 2.2 292.2 (12) < 0.0001
 50 to 59 years 10868 79.6 1260 9.2 1195 8.7 20 0.1 315 2.3
 60 to 69 years 7576 79.9 1031 10.9 630 6.6 6 0.1 233 2.5
 70 years and older 3111 79.0 553 14.0 181 4.6 3 0.1 91 2.3
 Male 15525 77.9 1921 9.6 1953 9.8 27 0.1 495 2.5 147.4 (4) < 0.0001
 Female 20853 81.6 2363 9.2 1745 6.8 40 0.2 557 2.2
 Southwest 20508 78.0 2516 9.6 2559 9.7 35 0.1 674 2.6 317.4 (20) < 0.0001
 Alaska 452 92.2 25 5.1 10 2.0 0 0.0 3 0.6
 East of Mississippi River 1357 82.3 154 9.3 100 6.1 1 0.1 37 2.3
 Northern Plains 3455 80.6 399 9.3 324 7.6 9 0.2 99 2.3
 Northwest 4279 82.9 458 8.9 337 6.5 8 0.2 78 1.5
 Oklahoma 6330 83.2 732 9.6 368 4.8 14 0.2 161 2.1
Duration of diabetes
 Less than 1 year 5362 94.5 148 2.6 133 2.3 3 0.1 31 0.5 5901.4 (16) < 0.0001
 1 to 5 years 11713 92.9 475 3.8 367 2.9 4 0.0 52 0.4
 6 to 10 years 7508 83.2 786 8.7 610 6.8 13 0.1 103 1.1
 More than 10 years 8569 59.8 2593 18.1 2351 16.4 43 0.3 777 5.4
 Unknown/missing 3229 84.1 282 7.3 237 6.2 4 0.1 89 2.3
Diabetes therapy
 Diet only 3971 94.5 124 3.0 72 1.7 0 0.0 34 0.8 4588.9 (16) < 0.0001
 Oral medications 20393 87.0 1543 6.6 1263 5.4 17 0.1 232 1.0
 Insulin only 2994 56.3 1017 19.1 906 17.0 20 0.4 382 7.2
 Insulin & oral medications 5466 65.0 1358 16.2 1230 14.6 25 0.3 328 3.9
 Unknown/missing 3557 86.6 242 5.9 227 5.5 5 0.1 76 1.9
Glycemic control
 A1c of less than 6% (< 42 mmol/mol) 3974 92.7 155 3.6 101 2.4 0 0.0 55 1.3 2416.0 (20) < 0.0001
 A1c of 6 to 7.9% (42 to 63 mmol/mol) 14077 87.2 1180 7.3 619 3.8 9 0.1 265 1.6
 A1c of 8 to 10% (64 to 86 mmol/mol) 6195 72.4 1191 13.9 883 10.3 18 0.2 269 3.1
 A1c of greater than 10% (> 86 mmol/mol) 5934 67.5 1108 12.6 1428 16.2 29 0.3 293 3.3
 Missing but poor glycemic control noted 597 77.4 87 11.3 72 9.3 3 0.4 12 1.6
 Unknown/missing 5604 80.9 563 8.1 595 8.6 8 0.1 158 2.3
 NMFP 24557 84.6 2345 8.1 1590 5.5 50 0.2 480 1.7 1214.8 (4) < 0.0001
 UWFI 11824 71.8 1939 11.8 2108 12.8 17 0.1 572 3.5

Excludes patients with ungradable images; All chi-square tests examine the likelihood of having a certain severity level of DR.

* Row percentage;

**3 people were 'other' for gender and were excluded.

IHS-JVN = Indian Health Service-Joslin Vision Network Teleophthalmology Program; DR = diabetic retinopathy; NPDR = nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy;

NMFP = nonmydriatic flash photography; UWFI = ultrawide-field imaging; df = degrees of freedom.