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. 2018 Jun 20;13(6):e0198551. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198551

Table 4. Numbers (n) and percentages (%)*of level of DME among IHS-JVN patients, by their characteristics.

Characteristic Absent Not Clinically Significant CSDME Hypothesis tests of independence
n % n % n % Chi-Sq (df) P-value
 Less than 50 years 18217 97.7 284 1.5 139 0.7 48.6 (6) < 0.0001
 50 to 59 years 13410 97.2 242 1.8 141 1.0
 60 to 69 years 9343 98.1 106 1.1 76 0.8
 70 years and older 3836 98.5 21 0.5 38 1.0
 Male 19585 97.4 336 1.7 187 0.9 17.8 (2) 0.0001
 Female 25218 98.0 317 1.2 207 0.8
 Southwest 25787 97.6 402 1.5 221 0.8 14.3 (10) 0.1617
 Alaska 492 99.4 2 0.4 1 0.2
 East of Mississippi River 1685 98.1 18 1.0 15 0.9
 Northern Plains 4209 97.7 66 1.5 35 0.8
 Northwest 5123 97.6 72 1.4 52 1.0
 Oklahoma 7510 97.9 93 1.2 70 0.9
Duration of diabetes
 Less than 1 year 5696 99.1 29 0.5 21 0.4 556.5 (8) < 0.0001
 1 to 5 years 12669 99.2 63 0.5 36 0.3
 6 to 10 years 8965 98.3 101 1.1 53 0.6
 More than 10 years 13703 95.4 414 2.9 253 1.8
 Unknown/missing 3773 98.0 46 1.2 31 0.8
Diabetes therapy
 Diet only 4225 99.4 14 0.3 11 0.3 504.3 (8) < 0.0001
 Oral medications 23388 98.6 205 0.9 134 0.6
 Insulin only 4995 94.7 173 3.3 107 2.0
 Insulin & oral medications 8108 95.9 231 2.7 120 1.4
 Unknown/missing 4090 98.7 30 0.7 22 0.5
Glycemic control
 A1c of less than 6% (< 42 mmol/mol) 4296 99.3 16 0.4 14 0.3 420.9 (10) < 0.0001
 A1c of 6 to 7.9% (42 to 63 mmol/mol) 16086 98.9 89 0.5 85 0.5
 A1c of 8 to 10% (64 to 86 mmol/mol) 8376 97.2 156 1.8 86 1.0
 A1c of greater than 10% (> 86 mmol/mol) 8415 95.3 279 3.2 134 1.5
 Missing but poor glycemic control noted 760 96.0 21 2.7 11 1.4
 Unknown/missing 6873 97.8 92 1.3 64 0.9
 NMFP 29014 97.8 416 1.4 241 0.8 2.49 (2) 0.2876
 UWFI 15792 97.6 237 1.5 153 0.9

Excludes patients with ungradable images; All chi-square tests examine the likelihood of having a certain severity level of DME.

* Row percentage;

**3 people were 'other' for gender and were excluded.

IHS-JVN = Indian Health Service-Joslin Vision Network Teleophthalmology Program; DME = diabetic macular edema;

CSDME = clinically significant diabetic macular edema; NMFP = nonmydriatic flash photography; UWFI = ultrawide-field imaging; df = degrees of freedom.