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. 2018 Jun 20;13(6):e0198551. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198551

Table 5. Numbers (n) and percentages (%)* of STR among IHS-JVN patients, by their characteristics.

Characteristic No STR Apparent STR Apparent Hypothesis tests of independence
n % n % Chi-Sq (df) P-value
 Less than 50 years 17585 95.9 759 4.1 8.7 (3) 0.0337
 50 to 59 years 12914 95.4 627 4.6
 60 to 69 years 8928 95.9 377 4.1
 70 years and older 3628 96.3 141 3.7
 Male 18754 95.4 913 4.6 14.3 (1) 0.0002
 Female 24298 96.1 991 3.9
 Southwest 24816 95.5 1174 4.5 23.6 (5) 0.0003
 Alaska 481 98.8 6 1.2
 East of Mississippi River 1561 96.0 65 4.0
 Northern Plains 4041 95.6 184 4.4
 Northwest 4912 96.4 186 3.6
 Oklahoma 7244 96.2 289 3.8
Duration of diabetes
 Less than 1 year 5580 98.7 72 1.3 556.5 (8) < 0.0001
 1 to 5 years 12388 98.9 137 1.1
 6 to 10 years 8688 97.3 243 2.7
 More than 10 years 12775 90.7 1305 9.3
 Unknown/missing 3624 96.1 147 3.9
Diabetes therapy
 Diet only 4114 98.7 53 1.3 1358.1 (4) < 0.0001
 Oral medications 22712 97.8 515 2.2
 Insulin only 4610 88.5 599 11.5
 Insulin & oral medications 7677 92.5 621 7.5
 Unknown/missing 3942 97.1 116 2.9
Glycemic control
 A1c of less than 6% (< 42 mmol/mol) 4149 98.2 78 1.8 439.4 (5) < 0.0001
 A1c of 6 to 7.9% (42 to 63 mmol/mol) 15569 97.6 389 2.4
 A1c of 8 to 10% (64 to 86 mmol/mol) 7972 94.5 467 5.5
 A1c of greater than 10% (> 86 mmol/mol) 8060 92.6 643 7.4
 Missing but poor glycemic control noted 727 94.3 44 5.7
 Unknown/missing 6578 95.9 283 4.1
 NMFP 27782 96.4 1040 3.6 77.7 (1) < 0.0001
 UWFI 15273 94.6 864 5.4

Excludes patients with ungradable images; All chi-square tests examine the likelihood of having STR.

* Row percentage;

**3 people were 'other' for gender and were excluded.

IHS-JVN = Indian Health Service-Joslin Vision Network Teleophthalmology Program; STR = sight threatening retinopathy; NMFP = nonmydriatic flash photography; UWFI = ultrawide-field imaging; df = degrees of freedom.