Fig 2. Line drawings made from different Terebellides species showing main macroscopic body characters with taxonomic relevance.
A. Ventro-lateral view of T. gracilis or T. williamsae from Iceland showing most relevant taxonomic characters (e.g. position of anterior 1–5 thoracic chaetigers with whitish ventral colouration). B. Ventral view of branchiae in T. shetlandica from the Shetland Islands showing branchial stalk, size and shape of dorsal and ventral lobes, branchial lamellae, and branchial filaments. C. Left lateral view of anterior thoracic region of T. cf stroemii from Iceland showing lateral lappets in TC3 and TC4, position of geniculate chaetae in TC6 and enlarged glandular area in TC3. D. Detail of thoracic chaetigers TC5 to TC7 of T. atlantis from Iceland showing position of geniculate chaetae in TC6 and normal thoracic uncini in TC7. E. Detail of three geniculate chaetae. A, C, D, E redrawn from [11], B redrawn from [18]. Abbreviations: bf (branchial filament), bl (branchial lamellae), br (branchiae), bs (branchial stalk), dbl (dorsal branchial lobe), ga (glandular area), gc (geniculate chaetae), ll (lateral lappets), TC (thoracic chaetiger), tn (thoracic notopodium), tr (thorax), tu (thoracic uncini), vbl (ventral branchial lobe).