Fig 5. ARQ-197 reduces osteoclastic bone resorption on cortico-endosteal surfaces of the tibiae from JJN3 tumour-bearing mice.
(A) Representative images of TRAP positive osteoclasts (stained red) on the cortico-endosteal surface of tibiae from naïve mice (Naïve) and tumour-bearing mice treated with vehicle (JJN3) or ARQ-197 (JJN3+ARQ-197) (scale bar = 50 μm). (B) Histomorphometric analysis of the number of TRAP positive osteoclasts per mm cortico-endosteal bone (N.Oc/BS,mm) and (C) the percentage coverage of TRAP positive osteoclasts on the cortico-endosteal bone (Oc.S/BS (%) from naive mice (Naïve) and tumour-bearing mice treated with vehicle (JJN3) or ARQ-197 (JJN3+ARQ-197). All data displayed as mean ± SD and analysed using a normal one-way ANOVA, where significance is indicated by *P<0.05 or **P<0.01.