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. 2018 Jun 14;9:1252. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01252



Thin section photographs with cross-polarized light of HSDP2 drill core samples used for incubation experiments. (A) basaltic flow (BF1) with cryptocrystalline matrix [pl (plagioclase) + ol (olivine) + cpx (clinopyroxene) + fet (Fe-Ti oxides)]. (B) Basaltic flow (BF2) with gl (glass matrix) + ol + cpx and vesicles filled with ph (phillipsite). (C) Hyaloclastite (HC1) with cryptocrystalline matrix (pl + ol + cpx + fet) + ol + cpx + pl phenocrysts. (D) Hyaloclastite (HC2) with gl + ol + cpx + pl phenocrysts. (E) Pillow basalt (PB1) with gl + ol phenocrysts + alt (alteration products) in veins. (F) Pillow basalt (PB2) with gl + ol phenocrysts + alt in veins. The glass in all samples is partially altered to palagonite (brownish colored).