Figure 3.
In PFC, HFS in d-APV elicits potentiation similar to hippocampal labile LTP. fEPSPs evoked in layer 2/3 and recorded in layer 5 of rat mPFC. a, Diagram of electrode placements. b, Average of 5 experiments illustrating transient potentiation of PFC fEPSPs after HFS (arrow) followed by a 10 min pause in stimulation; stimulation was at 0.1 Hz throughout. c, Raw data for these experiments (fEPSPs, baseline vs first 2 min after HFS, p = 0.031; PPR, baseline vs first 2 min after HFS, p = 0.313). d, Example experiment showing that HFS triggers potentiation when stimulation is resumed at once per 5 min following a 10 min pause. Inset, Average of 5 fEPSPs before (1, black) and during potentiation (2, red). Calibration: 10 ms, 0.5 mV. e, Average of 18 similar experiments. f, Raw data for each experiment in e (fEPSP amplitude, p = 0.007; PPR, p = 0.009; paired t tests). *p < 0.05.