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. 2018 Jun 25;113(9):e180085. doi: 10.1590/0074-02760180085

TABLE. Genome features, predicted genes, and GenBank accession numbers of Mycobacterium kansasii strains isolated in Brazil from patients with pulmonary disease.

Isolate Accession Location Type (hsp65) Reads Genome size (bp) Contigs Coverage (x) Genes
BR3657 PQOL00000000 RJ 1Bd 18,094,408 6,374,282 294 80.90 5,965t
BR6498ª PQOM00000000 RS 1A 9,038,224 6,225,838 317 37.37 5,804
BR7287 PQON00000000 RJ 1A 19,684,890 6,282,326 274 79.59 5,842
BR6884 PQOO00000000 RJ 1A 21,305,254 6,411,468 280 125.91 5,980
BR6849 PQOP00000000 SC 1A 16,399,304 6,464,047 265 78.89 6,023
BR10953b PQOQ00000000 RJ 1A 14,895,938 6,284,879 297 52.02 5,850
BR10742b PQOR00000000 RJ 1A 14,634,490 6,289,619 282 53.58 5,864
BR1580 PQOS00000000 RJ 1B 20,820,372 6,307,487 226 143.20 5,913
BR4404 PQOT00000000 RJ 1B 4,686,134 6,282,923 466 31.43 5,880
BR8835ª PQOU00000000 PE 1B 16,906,236 6,228,381 321 53.45 5,775
BR8837c PQOV00000000 PE 1B 13,311,444 6,213,268 247 75.41 5,773
BR8839c PQOW00000000 PE 1B 9,434,892 6,178,862 270 52.48 5,727

a: resistant to rifampicin; b and c are pairs of isolates obtained from a single patient each. Isolates were from patients residents of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Santa Catarina (SC) and Pernambuco (PE); d: 1B differs from the hsp65 sequence 1A of the ATCC 12478 strain by a SNP A to G at genome position 39635339 (GenBank KJ186611.1).