TABLE. Genome features, predicted genes, and GenBank accession numbers of Mycobacterium kansasii strains isolated in Brazil from patients with pulmonary disease.
Isolate | Accession | Location | Type (hsp65) | Reads | Genome size (bp) | Contigs | Coverage (x) | Genes |
BR3657 | PQOL00000000 | RJ | 1Bd | 18,094,408 | 6,374,282 | 294 | 80.90 | 5,965t |
BR6498ª | PQOM00000000 | RS | 1A | 9,038,224 | 6,225,838 | 317 | 37.37 | 5,804 |
BR7287 | PQON00000000 | RJ | 1A | 19,684,890 | 6,282,326 | 274 | 79.59 | 5,842 |
BR6884 | PQOO00000000 | RJ | 1A | 21,305,254 | 6,411,468 | 280 | 125.91 | 5,980 |
BR6849 | PQOP00000000 | SC | 1A | 16,399,304 | 6,464,047 | 265 | 78.89 | 6,023 |
BR10953b | PQOQ00000000 | RJ | 1A | 14,895,938 | 6,284,879 | 297 | 52.02 | 5,850 |
BR10742b | PQOR00000000 | RJ | 1A | 14,634,490 | 6,289,619 | 282 | 53.58 | 5,864 |
BR1580 | PQOS00000000 | RJ | 1B | 20,820,372 | 6,307,487 | 226 | 143.20 | 5,913 |
BR4404 | PQOT00000000 | RJ | 1B | 4,686,134 | 6,282,923 | 466 | 31.43 | 5,880 |
BR8835ª | PQOU00000000 | PE | 1B | 16,906,236 | 6,228,381 | 321 | 53.45 | 5,775 |
BR8837c | PQOV00000000 | PE | 1B | 13,311,444 | 6,213,268 | 247 | 75.41 | 5,773 |
BR8839c | PQOW00000000 | PE | 1B | 9,434,892 | 6,178,862 | 270 | 52.48 | 5,727 |
a: resistant to rifampicin; b and c are pairs of isolates obtained from a single patient each. Isolates were from patients residents of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Santa Catarina (SC) and Pernambuco (PE); d: 1B differs from the hsp65 sequence 1A of the ATCC 12478 strain by a SNP A to G at genome position 39635339 (GenBank KJ186611.1).