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. 2018 Jun 21;13(6):e0198920. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198920

Table 2. Patient reported outcomes, patient reported outcome measures and genetic associations assessed.

First author’s name & Year Design Participants Population/Ethnicity Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM) Genes of interest Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Results
Bleecker et al, (2012) [16] Intervention, pre/post study Study I: n = 1483
Gly/Gly: n = 575 (370 Male, 64%, 63±9 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 319/256
Pack-years: n.a.
FEV1 (%pred): 34.5±9.4
COPD grades (I/II/III/IV): n.a.
Arg/Gly: n = 685 (433 Male, 63%, 63±9 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 396/289
Pack-years: n.a.
FEV1 (%pred): 34.4±9.2
COPD grades (I/II/III/IV): n.a.
Arg/Arg: n = 223 (139 Male, 62%, 63±10 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 130/93
Pack-years: n.a.
FEV1 (%pred): 34.4±9.3
COPD grades (I/II/III/IV): n.a.
Study II: n = 1383
Gly/Gly: n = 533 (373 Male, 70%, 64±9 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 309/224
Pack-years: n.a.
FEV1 (%pred): 33.9±9.1
COPD grades (I/II/III/IV): n.a.
Arg/Gly: n = 635 (451 Male, 71%, 63±9 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 373/262
Pack-years: n.a.
FEV1 (%pred): 34.6±9.7
COPD grades (I/II/III/IV): n.a.
Arg/Arg: n = 215 (133 Male, 62%, 63±9 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 117/98
Pack-years: n.a.
FEV1 (%pred): 34.1±9.6
COPD grades (I/II/III/IV): n.a
South African
ADRB2 rs1042713 BCSS: Study I (p≥0.378); Study II (p≥0.133)
SGRQ: Study I (p = 0.909); Study II (p = 0.648)
Ishii et al, (2014) [25] Observational study n = 135 (127 Male, 94%, 69.3±7.9 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 113/22
Pack-years: 74.5 ±47.6
FEV1 (%pred): 57.8±20.3
COPD grades (I/II/III/IV): 22/61/41/11
Japanese Exacerbation frequency Diary GC rs4588
Exacerbation Frequency:
rs4588 SNP: p = 0.0048;
rs7041 SNP: p = 0.56.
Ishii et al, (2011) [21] Observational study n = 247: COPD (228 Male, 92%, 69.7±8.1 yrs)
Smoking status; Ex/Current: 207/40
Pack-years: 69.4±42.6
FEV1 (%pred): 58.3±19.5
COPD grades(I/II/III/IV): n.a
Japanese Depressive symptoms HADS SLC6A4 rs3794808
rs3794808, p(adjusted)/ Depression score HADS: Trend: 0.016; Genotype: 0.052
rs140701, p(adjusted)/ Depression score HADS: Trend: 0.093; Genotype: 0.246
rs140700, p(adjusted)/ Depression score HADS: Trend: 0.559; Genotype: 0.844
rs2020939, p(adjusted)/ Depression score HADS: Trend: 0.13; Genotype: 0.261
rs2020936, p(adjusted)/ Depression score HADS: Trend: 0.903; Genotype: 0.966
Lin et al, (2011) [22] Observational study n = 84: Non-MBL -deficient genotypes (27 Male, 21%, 66.5±10.9 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 60/24
Pack-years: 46
FEV1 (%pred): 46
COPD grades(I/II/III/IV): 2/28/39/17
n = 12: MBL-deficient genotypes
(6 Male,50%,68.9±10.3 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 10/2
Pack-years: 50
FEV1 (%pred): 41
COPD grades(I/II/III/IV): 1/4/6/1
Han Chinese (Taiwan) Exacerbation frequency Patient interviews MBL2 rs11003125
Frequency of infective exacerbation (times) in:
Non-MBL-Deficient genotypes (n = 84): 3.52±0.78 Total episodes: 296
MBL-Deficient Genotypes (n = 12): 4.75±1.22
Total episodes: 57
Mandal et al, (2015) [14] Observational study n = 277 (190 Male, 84%, 67.8 ± 9.5 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 203/74
Pack-years: Median 50 IQR (35–80)
FEV1 (%pred): 48.2±17.5
COPD grades(I/II/III/IV): 0/129/104/40
European Exacerbation frequency Contacting the patients MBL2 HL (-550 G>C; rs11003125)
YX (-221 G>C; rs7096206)
PQ (+4 C>T; rs7095891)
A/D (+223 C>T; rs5030737)
A/B (+230 G>A; rs1800450)
A/C (+239 G>A; rs1800451)
MBL2 haplotype: HYPA
Infrequent exacerbation (n = 87): Frequency: 0.282; Frequent exacerbation (n = 85): Frequency: 0.346; p = 0.13
MBL2 haplotype: LYQA
Infrequent exacerbation (n = 75): Frequency: 0.243; Frequent exacerbation (n = 53): Frequency: 0.215; p = 0.49
MBL2 haplotype: LYPA
Infrequent exacerbation (n = 30): Frequency: 0.097; Frequent exacerbation (n = 15): Frequency: 0.061; p = 0.16
MBL2 haplotype: LXPA
Infrequent exacerbation (n = 71): Frequency: 0.230 Frequent exacerbation (n = 50): Frequency: 0.303; p = 0.50
MBL2 haplotype: LYPB
Infrequent exacerbation (n = 27): Frequency: 0.087; Frequent exacerbation (n = 19): Frequency: 0.077; p = 0.77
MBL2 haplotype: HYPD
Infrequent exacerbation (n = 10): Frequency: 0.032 Frequent exacerbation (n = 21): Frequency: 0.085; p = 0.01
MBL2 haplotype: LYQC
Infrequent exacerbation (n = 8): Frequency: 0.026; Frequent exacerbation (n = 3): Frequency: 0.012; p = 0.39
Pillai et al, (2010) [15] Observational study n = 1,609 (1086 Male, 67.5%, 63.8± 7.1 yrs)
Smoking Status: Ex/Current, %: 64.5/35.5
Pack-years: 50.9±28
FEV1: 48.1±15.6
COPD grades(I/II/III/IV): n. a
New Zealanders;
Exacerbation Frequency Retrospective exacerbations: questionnaires
Prospective exacerbations: telephone calls.
HHIP, FAM13A CHRNA3/5 rs13118928
Prior Exacerbations:
rs13118928(HHIP): IRR: 0.877; 95% IC: 0.78–0.975; p = 0.015
rs8034191(CHRNA): IRR: 0.971; 95% IC: 0.869–1.084; p = 0.598
rs7671167(FAM13A): IRR: 1.081; 95% IC: 0.978–1.195; p = 0.129
Prospective exacerbations
rs13118928(HHIP): IRR: 0.906; 95 IC: 0.832–0.987; p = 0.024
rs8034191(CHRNA): IRR: 1.017; 95% IC: 0.930–1.113; p = 0.709
rs7671167(FAM13A): IRR: 1.028; 95% IC: 0.943–1.22; p = 0.528.
Quint et al, (2011) [23] Observational study n = 204 (119 Male, 58%, 70.7 ±11.1 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 152/52
Pack-years: 51.6±38.7
FEV1 (l): 48.2±19.9
COPD grades(I/II/III/IV): 14/83/73/34
European Exacerbation
Diary SERPINA1 11478G>A polymorphism Exacerbation α1-antitrypsin:
(GG): Median = 2.01 IQR (1.54–2.99);
(GA/AA): Median = 1.98 IQR (1.67–2.12);
GG vs. GA/AA: p = 0.75
baseline vs. exacerbation: (GG): p = 0.87; (GA/AA): p = 0.92
Quint et al, (2012) [24] Observational study n = 97 (61 Male, 62.9%, 71.8±8.8 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 72/25
Pack-years: 50.7±34.2
FEV1:(%pred): 50.3±19.7
COPD grades(I/II/III/IV): n.a
Exacerbation frequency Diary VDR rs1544410
Frequent exacerbators (n = 28):
3 (10.7%)–BB genotype;
12 (42.9%)–Bb genotype;
13 (46.4%)–Bb genotype.
Infrequent exacerbators (n = 68):
15 (22.1%)–BB genotype;
26 (38.2%)–Bb genotype;
27 (39.7%)–Bb genotype
p = 0.43
Frequent exacerbators (n = 28):
10 (38.5%)–TT genotype;
13 (50%)–Tt genotype;
3 (11.5%)–Tt genotype.
Infrequent exacerbators (n = 68):
24 (36.4%)–TT genotype;
29 (43.9%)–Tt genotype;
13 (19.7%)–Tt genotype
p = 0.64
Frequent exacerbators (n = 28):
10 (35.7%)–FF genotype;
14 (50,0%)–Ff genotype;
4 (14.3%)–Ff genotype.
Infrequent exacerbators (n = 68):
21 (30.9%)–FF genotype;
38 (55.9%)–Ff genotype;
9 (13.2%)–Ff genotype
p = 0.87
Takabatake et al, (2006) [19] Observational study n = 276 (276 Male, 100%, 72.9 ± 1.6 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 276/0
Pack-years: n.a.
FEV1: (%pred) n.a.
COPD grades(I+II/III+IV): n.a.
Japanese Exacerbation severity Questionnaire CCL1 rs2282691 Kaplan-Meier
Genotype: AA; No. of patients:60
No. of events: 9
Survival Time, mo (95% CI): 28 (27–30)
Log-Rankk Statistic: AA vs AT: 1.51 (0.2189)
Genotype: AT; No. of patients: 132
No. of events:12
Survival Time, mo (95% CI): 29 (28–30)
Log-Rankk Statistic: AA vs TT: 7.67 (0.0056)
Genotype: TT; No. of patients: 84
No. of events:2
Survival Time, mo (95% CI): 30 (29–30)
Log-Rankk Statistic: AT vs TT: 3.54 (0.0600)
Cox Proportional Hazards Regression Model
TT: n = 84; p = n.a.; OR (95% CI) = 1
AT: n = 132; p = 0.066; OR (95% CI) = 4.09 (0.91–18.32)
AA: n = 60; p = 0.023; OR (95% CI) = 5.93 (1.28–27.48)
Umeda et al, (2008) [17] Intervention pre/post study n = 44:
n = 22: Arg/Arg (21 Male, 95%, 73±8 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 21/1
Pack-years: n.a
FEV1: (%pred) Median 50.7 Interquartile range (38.1–67.2)
COPD grades(I/II/III/IV): n.a
n = 22: non-Arg/Arg (19 Male, 86%, 68±8 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 21/1
Pack-years: n.a
FEV1 (%pred) Median 63.9 Interquartile range (42.3–89.0)
COPD grades(I/II/III/IV): n.a
Japaanese Quality of life SGRQ ADRB2 rs1042713 Total Score:
Arg/Arg: -16.9; non-Arg/Arg: -8.1
P = 0.05
Impact score:
Arg/Arg: -19.8; non- Arg/Arg: 22
Yang et al, (2003) [20] Observational study n = 82 (52 Male,63%,69±8 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: n.a/n. a
Pack-years: Median 54 IQR (39–66)
FEV1:(%pred): 41±14
COPD grades(I/II/III/IV): n.a
Australian Exacerbation frequency Telephone call MBL2 rs1800450 OR 4.9; 95% IC: 1.7–14.4; p = 0.0037,
pcorrected = 0.011
Zhang et al, (2015) [26] Intervention pre/post study n = 219 (194 Male, 88.6%,70.2±7.2 yrs)
Smoking status: n.a.
Pack-years: 28.1±7.2
FEV1:(%pred): 51.8±15.9
COPD grades(I/II/III/IV): n.a
Chinese Respiratory Health status SGRQ EPHX1 rs1051740 (slow allele)
rs2234922 (fast allele)
Total score
Slow activity group:
Baseline: 36.9±12.1; After NAC: 35.1±12.7
Fast activity group:
Baseline: 38.0±13.1; After NAC: 35.8±14.8
Symptom score
Slow activity group:
Baseline: 40.9±12.3; After NAC: 37.8±13.1
p = 0.033
Fast activity group:
Baseline: 41.7±13.5; After NAC: 38.7±15.4
Activity score
Slow activity group:
Baseline: 47.2±12.1; After NAC: 45.8±12.8
Fast activity group:
Baseline: 48.7±13.3; After NAC: 49.1±14.0
Impact score
Slow activity group:
Baseline: 26.3±10.9; After NAC: 24.9±11.5
Fast activity group:
Baseline: 28.1±11.7; After NAC: 26.5±12.1
Zhang et al, (2015) [18] Intervention pre/post study n = 368
L+: n = 154 (140 Male, 90.9%, 68.7±6.3 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 123/31
Pack-years: 24.5±6.6
FEV1: (%pred): 56.4±14.8
COPD grades(I/II/III/IV): n.a
L-: n = 214 (193 Male,90.2%,69.3±5 yrs)
Smoking status: Ex/current: 170/44
Pack-years: 24.7±5.6
FEV1: (%pred) 56.6±19.2
COPD grades(I/II/III/IV): n.a
Chinese Respiratory health status SGRQ HO-1 (GT)n polymorphism: Total score
Baseline—L+ group:35.0±11.6; L- group: 35.1±10.7
16 weeks—L+ group:35.7±9.6; L- group: 35.9±11.3
32 weeks—L+ group:36.2±11.2; L- group:36.4±12.4
48 weeks—L+ group:37.4±10.4; L- group: 37.8±9.0
p = 0.18
Activity score
Baseline—L+ group:46.7±13.9; L- group:46.2±14.5
16 weeks—L+ group:46.5±14.1; L- group: 46.3±11.0
32 weeks—L+ group:46.8±8.3; L- group: 46.7±12.2
48 weeks—L+ group:46.3±11.5; L- group: 47.4±15.5
p = 0.02
Symptom score
Baseline—L+ group:40.5±10.8; L- group: 40.1±12.3
16 weeks—L+ group:40.8±8.4; L- group: 40.8±15.1
32 weeks—L+ group:41.1±6.9; L- group: 41.6±10.3
48 weeks—L+ group:41.7±13.7; L- group: 41.6±9.7
p = 0.86
Impact score
Baseline—L+ group:25.6±10.1; L- group: 26.0±11.4
16 weeks—L+ group:25.9±7.1; L- group: 26.5±8.6
32 weeks—L+ group:25.7±11.3; L- group: 26.9±10.5
48 weeks—L+ group:25.9±8.9; L- group: 26.7±13.4
p = 0.09

All values are presented as mean ± standard error, unless otherwise stated.

M- male; yrs- years; SNP- single nucleotide polymorphism; FEV1- forced expiratory volume in 1 second; l- liters; %pred- % predicted; COPD- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease n.a- not applicable; SE- standard error; IRR- Incidence rate ratio; IC- Confidence interval; OR- Odds ratio; SGRQ- St. George Respiratory Questionnaire; BCSS- Breathlessness, cough and sputum scale; HADS—Hospital anxiety and depression scale. ´

Significant results presented in bold.