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. 2018 Jun 12;7:e33246. doi: 10.7554/eLife.33246

Key resources table.

Reagent type (species)
or resource
Designation Source or reference Identifiers Additional information
Cell line (Mus musculus) C2C12; myotubes;
ATCC ATCC CRL-1772 Mouse myoblast,
mycoplasma negative
Cell line (Homo sapiens) HL-60 ATCC ATCC CCL-240 Human leukemia,
authenticated by STR profiling,
mycoplasma negative
Cell line (Homo sapiens) 293; HEK293 Gift from Morris
Birnbaum’s lab
Human embryonic kidney,
authenticated by STR profiling,
mycoplasma negative
Strain, strain background
(Mus musculus)
C57BL/6 mice The Jackson
000664 C57BL/6J
Recombinant DNA reagent LentiCRISPR v2
(Lentiviral vector)
Addgene 52961
Recombinant DNA reagent psPAX2 (Lentiviral
packaging plasmid)
Addgene 12260
Recombinant DNA reagent pMD2.G (Lentiviral envelope
expressing plasmid)
Addgene 12259
Recombinant DNA reagent pLX304 (Gateway
Lentiviral vector)
DNASU plasmid
NMNAT1 Clone ID: HsCD00434593
Chemical compound, drug ATP Sigma-Aldrich A2383
Chemical compound, drug Protease Sigma-Aldrich P5380 Protease from Bacillus
Chemical compound, drug ADP Sigma-Aldrich A2754
Chemical compound, drug Pyruvate Sigma-Aldrich P2255
Chemical compound, drug Malate Sigma-Aldrich M1000
Chemical compound, drug B-NMN Sigma-Aldrich N3501 100 MG
Chemical compound, drug PRPP Sigma-Aldrich P8296
Chemical compound, drug FCCP Sigma-Aldrich C2920-10MG
Chemical compound, drug Oligomycin Sigma-Aldrich O4876-5MG
Chemical compound, drug Protease inhibitor
cocktail (Sigma); PI
Sigma-Aldrich P8340 Protease inhibitor cocktail
Chemical compound, drug Alcohol dehydrogenase Sigma-Aldrich A3263-150KU
Chemical compound, drug Diaphorase Sigma-Aldrich D5540-500UN
Chemical compound, drug Resazurin Sigma-Aldrich R7017
Chemical compound, drug Flavin mononucleotide Sigma-Aldrich F6750
Chemical compound, drug Nicotinamide; NAM Sigma-Aldrich 72345
Chemical compound, drug Hexadinitrine Sigma-Aldrich 107689
Chemical compound, drug Nicotinic acid; NA Sigma-Aldrich N4126
Chemical compound, drug Perchloric Acid Sigma-Aldrich 244252
Chemical compound, drug NAD; Nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide
Roche 101127965001
Chemical compound, drug Proteinase K; ProtK Roche 03115887001
Chemical compound, drug Protease inhibitor
cocktail (Roche)
Roche 11697498001 Complete protease inhibitor
cocktail tablets
Chemical compound, drug BSA Roche 03117057001 Bovine serum albumin Fraction V,
heat shock, fatty acid free
Chemical compound, drug Puromycin ThermoFisher
A111380-03 10 mg/mL stock
Chemical compound, drug Blasticidin ThermoFisher
Chemical compound, drug Gallotannin Enzo Life Sciences ALX-270–418 G001
Chemical compound, drug Insulin Novo-Nordisk
Novolin N
U-100 100 units/mL; recombinant
DNA origin
Chemical compound, drug Fugene 6 Promega E2691
Chemical compound, drug NR; isotope-labeled
nicotinamide riboside
PMID: 27508874
Chemical compound, drug NAR; isotope-labeled
nicotinic acid riboside
this paper
Commercial assay or kit Micro BCA Protein
Assay Kit
Thermo Fisher
Commercial assay or kit SuperSignal West
femto kit
Thermo Fisher
Antibody anti-NMNAT1 (rabbit
Gift from Lee Kraus,
Zhang et al. (2009)
PMID: 19478080
Antibody anti-VDAC (rabbit
Abcam ab154856 [EPR10852(B)]
Antibody anti-B-actin HRP
(mouse monoclonal)
Abcam ab20272 [mAbcam 8226]
Antibody Secondary antibody GE Healthcare Life
NA934 Amersham ECL anti-rabbit IgG,
HRP-linked whole Ab (from donkey)
Antibody Secondary antibody GE Healthcare Life
NA931 Amersham ECL anti-mouse IgG,
HRP-linked whole Ab (from sheep)