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. 2016 Mar 1;7(6):3862–3868. doi: 10.1039/c5sc04800a

Fig. 4. Generating (a) and using (b) e˙–aq with the mechanism of Fig. 2a. (a) Main plot, concentration traces of Py˙2– (red) and e˙–aq (blue) in an experiment with the pulse scheme displayed above the traces, on the solution of Fig. 3b with 30 mM SDS; Py˙2– trace after the second pulse corrected with the procedure of ESI-4.1. Inset 1, e˙–aq formation as function of Py˙2– bleaching, with the concentration changes –Δ[Py˙2–]rel and [e˙–aq]rel taken relative to the concentration of Py˙2– immediately before the second pulse. Inset 2, relative actinometry of green-light ionization of Py˙2– with excitation of [Ru(bpy)3]2+ (formation of the emissive state 3[Ru(bpy)3]2+) as reference reaction. Blue data points, [e˙–aq]rel as in Inset 1 as function of the intensity I532 of the second laser pulse. The monoexponential fit by the blue curve, 1 – exp[–I532/(558 mJ cm–2)], validates the monophotonic ionization mechanism. Orange data points and fit curve 1 – exp[–I532/(187 mJ cm–2)], intensity dependence of 3[Ru(bpy)3]2+ emission normalized to maximum. The ratio of these best-fit constants times the ratio of the molar absorption coefficients of the species excited with 532 nm (3[Ru(bpy)3]2+, 1000 M–1 cm–1; Py˙2–, 6200 M–1 cm–1) gives the photoionization quantum yield, 0.054. (b) Decomposition of the model compound chloroacetate CICH2COO by e˙–aq generated as in (a). Main plot, decay of e˙–aq in the presence of variable amounts of CICH2COO; inset, resulting Stern–Volmer plot. The same colour coding of the concentrations has been used in the main plot and in the inset. Further explanation, see text and ESI-4. .

Fig. 4