Framework of proposed actions for public and private partnership in disaster risk man-agement based on the Xanxerê case study in Brazil.
(1) Actions based on the Sendai framework | (2) Public sector | (3) Private sector | (4) Proposed action with the partnership |
Raise awareness for the involve-ment between DRM with public and private organisations and the community. | Weigh losses in recent years in the community regarding infra-structure and public services; start awareness campaigns from identified losses; provide events for the whole city in order to clarify DRM with population responsibilities in general; de-velop disaster risk resilience in public workplaces through struc-tural (infrastructure) and non-structural (awareness) meas-ures. | Weigh direct and indirect losses in companies in recent years related to disasters; promote business association encouraging compa-nies involvement with DRM, including bringing CSR concepts; develop disaster risk resilience in the workplace through structural (infrastructure) and non-structural (awareness) measures; and ensure continuity of services and the integration of DRM in models and business practices. | Initiatives to awareness level should be integrated and, in order to be effective, they need an open and constant communication channel between the partners. Public sector should promote the private sector qualification in DRM and its application in the local context and at business level. Private sector in turn should financially support and disseminate the public sector’s initiatives and campaigns. |
Include DRM subject in vocational education and training. | Include DRM design in school curriculum and empower teach-ers; determine risk multipliers and disaster management knowledge; deliver lectures or trainings or workshops in educational institu-tions at all levels; and spread knowledge of DRM to community and private organisations. | Financially support the hiring of professionals to conduct lectures or trainings or workshops and/or make them available if they are part of the staff; suggest and support the qualifications of those responsible for DRM and support community work; and encourage, organise working teams to participate in DRM training. | Knowledge of DRM should be a priority in order to increase community resilience. Public sector should share knowledge and prepare teachers and multi-pliers. In addition to creating internal risk management pro-grammes, private sector can provide team members to take part in training and support for activities on management of risks and local disasters. |
Local collaboration in disseminating information on the risks of disaster. | Provide information from various sources; pass on information to the press in organised fashion; provide training to targeted media for DRM communication. | Allow press professionals and companies with communication departments to take part in training for communication on DRM, and inform population and/or employees about the risks of a disaster aiming at reducing it and increasing resilience in times of normality and in times of disaster. | Public sector should guide com-munication for periods of normal-ity and times of disaster, as well as maintain a steady flow of infor-mation to the media. Private sector should support the wide dissemination of information and adhere to the regulations that apply to communication (public press) and communication de-partments for internal communi-cation. In such a partnership, DRM gains visibility and communication becomes a fundamental vector for community orientation. |
Promote local sustainable devel-opment that stems from internal and external integration with ampler coordination, which influences the development of disaster risk reduction view in different ways. | Develop local risk management plan by observing sustainability in all its dimensions, involving the private sector in all discussions; integrate disaster risk assess-ments on implementation and development of land use policies, preserving business and protect-ing livelihoods and the production of goods along the supply chain; set goals, strategies, indicators and targets in order to eliminate the creation of risk and reduce existing risk; promote qualification and selection of private organisations in accordance with their needs ; and integrate risk management plan to municipal management plan. | Participate in the planning and review stages adding value and knowledge; propose and carry out performance schedule based on principles of value, balance and transparency in business; take an active role in disaster risk reduc-tion within the business activities framework as well as in part-ner’s awareness and employees’ conduct; and based on the worldwide appeal for the private sector involvement in managing disaster and risks, assume the roles and responsibilities in accordance with collaborative capabilities. | The management plan led by the public sector with ample partici-pation of the private sector and the community allows strategic objective definition and the allocation of roles and responsi-bilities for those involved. The private sector directly gains by supporting the planning with the transfer of knowledge and infor-mation, as it may contribute to local development and conse-quently thrive in their businesses with a view to corporate social responsibility. |
Promote mechanisms for disaster risk transfer to mitigate the impacts of disasters on local economy. | Promote the need for security and protect public and private property in order to reduce dis-asters financial impact on gov-ernments and societies in urban and rural areas. | Provide insurance cover based on local need (insurance companies or local representatives); and share experiences on risk trans-fers of private initiative with the local coordination and DRM. | This action allows discussion between public and private sec-tors in the search for alternatives and makes them available, in addition to promote better guid-ance to the public on the opera-tion in order to mitigate the impacts of disasters. |
Promote continuously disaster preparedness with response exer-cises and recovery, including evacuation tasks, training and the establishment of area-based sup-port systems in order to ensure a rapid and effective response to disasters and related displacement, including access to safe shelter, food and non-food supplies. | Develop contingency plans for local disaster risks; research about needed and available resources, and also about what should be sought from the private sector; organise an exercise schedule including the entire population; transfer disaster management knowledge by means of volun-teers and corporate team training; and strengthen partnerships with private organisations’ technical and logistical answer capacities. | Participate in contingency plans for disaster risks preparation; provide infrastructure as well as products and services assuming protocol commitments; effectively participate in preparation, allowing and encouraging volunteering and training of internal teams able to operate in adverse events; share technical and logistic private knowledge to provide emergency public service; and financially support preparation exercises. | In this action, the knowledge sharing, as well as human and material resources, is critical. Disaster generates losses for both sectors; therefore, preparation benefits all parties. |
Promoting cooperation of various institutions, various authorities and related agents at all levels, including affected communities and busi-nesses. | Allow private sector participation by sharing power and decision on the structure of DRM; create a continuous communication sys-tem with those involved; promote the development of quality stan-dards, such as certifications and awards for DRM; and encourage cooperation through the promo-tion of qualified companies in DRM. | Encourage and financially support initiatives of coordination involv-ing local DRM; promote internal initiatives for resilience develop-ment; develop innovative in progress projects, roads and others that represent threats to its users; and participate through business association in the de-velopment of quality standards, such as certifications and awards for DRM. | A look at prevention rather than just the answer and ample public authority, private sector and community participation are perhaps the largest current para-digms for DRM. |
DRM, disaster risk management; CSR corporate and social responsibility.