Cell connections |
Relative percentage of long and thin cytoplasmic projections (e.g. Filopodia) per cell and connections between adjacent cells; 1= ~0-20% of projections from the cell surface and there are less connections to adjacent cells, 2= ~21-50% of projections from the cell surface and many of them are disrupted therefore there are less connections formed between the cells, 3= ~51-100% of projections from the cells and many cell connections between adjacent cells |
Microvilli density |
Relative distribution of microvilli on the cell surface; 1= sparse, 2=medium, 3= dense |
Microvilli size |
Relative length of microvilli on the cell surface; 1= short, 2= mixture of short and long microvilli, 3= long and thin microvilli |
Blebbing density |
Relative distribution of blebs/surface protrusions on the cell surface; 1= none, 2= sparse, 3= medium, 4= dense |
Bleb size |
Relative size of blebs/surface protrusions on the cell surface;1= none, 2=small, 3= medium, 4= large |
Cell shape |
Change in cell shape; 1= round, 2= oval, 3= flattened |
Membrane bound secretions |
Relative amount of secretions on the surface of the cell; 1= none, 2= few, 3= moderate, 4= abundant |
Extracellular secretions |
Relative amount of secretions on the extracellular space; 1= none, 2= few, 3= moderate, 4= abundant |