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. 2018 Jan 12;126(1):017004. doi: 10.1289/EHP1745

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics of exposure and outcome measures across the seven study sites.

Population characteristics Study site (study period, location)
Kisumu (2003–2011, Villages Asembo, Gem, Karemo,
rural Kenya)
Nairobi (2003–2012, Slums Korogocho, Viwandani, urban
Nouna (2000–2010, Kossi province, rural Burkina
Vadu (2003–2012, 22 villages east of Pune, rural India) Phoenix (1997–2007, Urban Arizona, USA) Philadelphia (1997–2007, Urban Pennsylvania, USA) Stockholm (1990–2002, Stockholm
county, urban Sweden)
 Life expectancy at birth (y)a
  • Men 54.8

  • Women 64.0

  • Men 72.0

  • Women 65.9

  • Men 58.0

  • Women 61.5

  • Men 68.1

  • Women 71.5

  • Men 75.3

  • Women 81.2

  • Men 74.1

  • Women 79.9

  • Men 77.3

  • Women 82.0

 Population sizeb 240,633 63,639 ca. 78,000 110,085 3,251,876 1,517,550 1,823,210
Daily max.
temperature (°C)
 Minimum 15.0 15.0 22.8 21.1 7.2 8.9 13.4
 5th percentile 26.0 21.1 30.0 26.6 16.0 1.1 2.0
 Median 29.0 26.0 36.4 31.3 30.6 18.3 9.6
 Mean 29.2 25.8 36.1 32.0 29.9 17.9 10.5
 95th percentile 33.0 29.6 41.7 38.8 42.8 32.2 24.6
 Maximum 37.0 38.2 43.9 42.4 47.2 37.8 33.5
 Standard deviation 2.2 2.6 3.6 3.8 9.0 10.1 8.6
Daily deaths              
 Minimum 0 0 0 0 24 16 19
 5th percentile 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 46.0 31.0 29.0
 Median 7.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 62.0 44.0 40.0
 Mean 8.7 1.3 1.7 0.9 61.9 44.5 40.0
 95th percentile 15.7 4.0 4.0 3.0 80.0 59.0 52.0
 Maximum 124 57 32 24 117 79 74
 Standard deviation 9.6 1.9 2.8 1.2 10.5 8.4 7.2
Daily YLL              
 Minimum 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 387.9 173.7 119.4
 5th percentile 57.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 605.0 452.2 284.2
 Median 212.0 40.3 41.5 9.3 893.6 695.1 427.2
 Mean 272.1 56.6 66.2 24.4 904.0 703.9 431.7
 95th percentile 1,357.7 179.2 187.3 91.8 1,227.7 991.1 598.2
 Maximum 4,326.3 2,324.4 1,607.3 568.3 1,703.7 1,329.5 818.1
 Standard deviation 314.6 82.0 125.5 38.0 189.9 164.7 94.7
Minimum YLL temperature              
 Temperature (°C) 30.0 26.6 27.8 29.8 29.4 22.2 27.0
 Percentile 62 60 1 31 47 60 98

Note: YLL, years of life lost at the age at death, based on conditional life expectancies. YLL were calculated separately for each as the difference between years of age at the time of death and estimated life expectancy given the decedent’s age and gender. Daily YLL are the total YLL of all persons who died on the same day. Minimum YLL temperature is the calculated daily maximum temperature in °C at which average YLL were lowest. HDSS, Health and Demographic Surveillance Site.

aLife expectancy at birth: Site-specific data for HDSS sites in last study year. State-level or national data from official registries: Phoenix data of Arizona (1999–2001); Philadelphia data of Pennsylvania (1999–2001); Stockholm county data of Sweden (2002). Not used for YLL analyses.

bPopulation size: HDSS sites in last study year; Phoenix, Philadelphia, and Stockholm in 2000.