Main categories |
Subcategories |
Codes |
Meaning summary |
Social well-being
Social presence & interaction |
Close relationship with
Family relationship, a network of friends and family, intergenerational
relationship, doing some activities with family
Social activity
Productive activity or job, volunteer activity, social teaching, selfemployment,
participating in public activity
Recreation Traveling, creative activities, having variety of hobbies
Recreation |
Traveling, creative activities, having variety of hobbies |
Social support
Not lonely |
Having a partner, wife/husband for close relationship and engagement
Social support from
Having a friend for speaking to or traveling, emotional and financial
support from family, visiting family
Social support from
Social welfare policy for older adults, sufficient healthcare system, facilitation
of social role and productive activity for older adults, sufficient
pension, and insurance
Psychological wellbeing
Individual positive
characteristics and
Being full of energy and happy, joyful
Having purpose/plan
and hope
Being hopeful, having aims for the future
Positive mood
Generous, curious, sense of humor, other positive characteristics based on
Being useful
No feeling of worthlessness, being productive, feeling of usefulness |
Good appearance
Good figure, being stylish |
Good feeling about his/herself, self-confidence, feeling of being useful, |
Ability for self-care, ability to avoid risk factors, ability to recover from
Ability to change environment in his/her interest, ability to do complex
activity in life and family, ability to change or select property environment
for his/her physical or mental limitation
Maintaining balance
Balance between opportunity and challenges, selection of alternatives,
compensation, balance between body and mind, balance between aspirations
and goals achieved
Coping and resilience
Ability to face life problems and challenges, avoiding running away from
problems, adoption of aging limitations, avoiding the wrong solutions
Continuity in learning
Learning new things, attempting to improve knowledge, attention to
development in later life
Lifespan satisfaction
Satisfaction with past life |
Acceptance of past life, good job, good memories from the past, satisfaction,
and getting over bad memories such as war
life satisfaction Satisfaction with whole life, satisfaction with partner
life satisfaction
Satisfaction with whole life, satisfaction with partner
Positive selfperception
of aging
Acceptance of the
natural process of
Acceptance of transition and changes from aging, acceptance of decline
Positive perception towards aging
Acceptance of positive points of aging, good self-image, without any bad
image such as frail elderly
Absence of mental
No depression
No signs of depression, such as withdrawal, feelings of worthlessness and
being useless, despair
No cognitive impairment
No signs or symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson suspicion of having
attention problems, no language impairment
No stress or phobia
Anorexia or stress eating, fear of the death of someone close, feeling
Physical health
Good physical
Positive self-rated
health status
No pain, no feeling of fatigue and feeling healthy and well
The absence of various
No symptoms of disease such as heart disease, heart attack, diabetes,
cancer, emphysema, osteoporosis, asthma, hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular
disease, lung disease, Parkinson’s disease
Avoidance of risk factors
No smoking, eating Mediterranean diet, physical fitness and doing exercises
such as stretching
Doing daily living activities
Doing personal activities such as taking a shower, ability to make phone
call, shopping, climbing stairs
The absence of disability
No hearing, visual, or physical impairment
Living to more than 80 or 85 years old
Spirituality and
Feeling of inner peace, being thankful, being religious, accepting a
superior power, having beliefs
Self-transcendence |
Rationality, self-recognition, decrease of self-orientation
Ontology Feeling of being part of world, part of life cycle, change of viewpoint
on the world
Feeling of being part of world, part of life cycle, change of viewpoint
on the world
Acceptance of death
Reduction of stress from death, change of viewpoint on death
Thinking about secret of life and relation with ancestors
and economic
Appropriate context and
environmental amenity
Favorite living neighborhood
Feeling of social security for walking in neighborhood, good accommodation
with sufficient heat and light
Accommodation in the
good zone of the city
Nice weather, clean water, having sufficient garbage disposal system
living in a good environment
with accessibility
to healthcare system
age-friendly city
Near to hospital, proper transportation to healthcare system
Absence of negative
stereotype in society
Absence of negative
stereotype in society
Absence of negative image of elderly in media avoids marginalizing
the social role of the elderly
Financial and economic
Satisfaction with financial resources, sufficient pension, or assets and having a home