A) Representative flow cytometric dot plots and immunofluorescence images showing endothelial markers and AcLDL uptake on ETV2-transfected PSCs at 24 hours after transfection. Cells were transferred to collagen-coated plate and cultured in endothelial medium for live staining. AcLDL = acetylated-low density lipoprotein. Scale bar = 50 μm.
B) Percentage of CD144+ cells shown in the gate from A). Results are mean±SD from 3 experiments.
C) Yield of total live CD144+ cells from ETV2 transfected cultures. Mean±SD from 3 experiments is shown.
D) Expansion of endothelial cells generated in ETV2-transduced cultures. Representative picture shows endothelial cells at passage 3 after transfection. Scatter dot plot showing accumulative number of endothelial cells after expansion. Scale bar = 100 μm.