Fig. 3.
Affinity purification of Y3IP1-HA. a ΔY3IP1/CGL59 mutant (LMJ.RY0402.195677) from the CLiP contains the paromomycin resistance cassette (CIB1) inserted at the 7th Exon (E7) of CGL59/Y3IP1 (Cre06.g280650). Exons, introns, and untranslated regions are shown as red boxes, black lines, and blue boxes, respectively. This strain also contains second CIB1 cassette in CAH2 locus (Cre04.g223050). The mutant was complemented with cDNA of Y3IP1 (c-Y3IP1) or Y3IP1-HA (c-Y3IP1-HA). b The growth of CLiP host strain as control, ΔY3IP1, and three c-Y3IP1 clones (2, 3, and 4) and c-Y3IP1-HA clones (1,3, and 9), under the photoautotrophic condition in the light of 50 μmol photons m−2 s−1. c Total cell proteins from control, ΔY3IP1, c-Y3IP1, and c-Y3IP1-HA strains were analyzed by immunoblotting using antibodies against Y3IP1, Ycf3, PsaA, and PSAL. The nitrocellulose membrane was stained with Ponceau for loading control. d The polypeptide composition of the affinity-purified Y3IP1-HA and Ycf3-HA. Polypeptides separated by SDS-PAGE were visualized by staining with Flamingo. e Immunoblotting of the purified Y3IP1-HA and Ycf3-HA with antibodies against PsaA and Ycf4