Topological equivalence of membrane ESCRT-dependent membrane remodelling events. ESCRT-III is a membrane fission machinery that regulates a series of topologically equivalent membrane remodelling events, namely biogenesis of intraluminal vesicles on a class of late endosomes called multivesicular bodies (1), release of enveloped retroviruses such as HIV-1 (2), repair of damaged plasma membrane (3), abscission during cytokinesis (4), sealing of holes in the nuclear envelope (5), depolymerisation of spindle microtubules (6) and neuronal pruning (7). In addition, ESCRT-III has also been described to regulate NPC quality in S. cerevisiae (not depicted; see Fig. 5). Sites of ESCRT-III activity indicated by magenta asterisks. Sealing of nuclear envelope allows nuclear compartmentalisation, indicated in orange.