Figure 3.
HHR cardiomyocyte hypercontractility characterizes progression to failure with preserved systolic function (20–30 weeks). A, Bright field normal heart rat (NHR) and hypertrophic heart rat (HHR) cardiomyocyte micrographs. B, Mean computed cardiomyocyte volume from 2‐dimensional isolated myocyte measurements (n=mean 50 cells for N=16–22 hearts). C and D, Fura‐2 loaded isolated myocyte exemplar records: shortening and Ca2+ transients. E through G, Cardiomyocyte mean maximum % shortening (normalized for myocyte length), and mean Ca2+ diastolic and twitch amplitude levels (n=16–17 cells for N=10 hearts/group). H through J, Regression plots: myocyte size (μm) vs % shortening, diastolic Ca2+ and peak systolic Ca2+ levels (n=16–17 cells from N=10 hearts/group). K and L, Exemplar “Phase‐loop” plots of cardiomyocyte length vs Ca2+ during activation cycle show HHR right‐shift, with significantly higher Ca2+ at 50% myocyte relaxation, indicating reduced sensitivity to Ca2+ levels (n=16–17 cells from N=10 hearts/group). Graphs show mean ± SEM, For B, E through G, and L, *P<0.05 (Student t test). For H through J, P value, Pearson's correlation.